15 December 2011

Sicarii UPDATE

The Zohar implies that the head of the "erev rav" at the time when Moshiach comes will be named Binyamin (from Quotations of great Rebbes on the Geula)

Could this be Netanyahu?

This is an update to
Modern Day Sicarii And The Temple Mount

Please listen to the interview by Tamar Yonah. Daniella Weiss speaks about her eyewitness account of the supposed "attacks" against the IDF. "The army is controlling & managing the entire demolitions." The Prime Minister seems to be going against his own Likud Platform:

"Settlements - The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

Additional gripes

That 12th C mosque on Strauss street should have been torn down and Jewish homes built thereon. Why was it still standing? It was used as a storehouse for the municipality.

It seems there might necessarily take place a 'sifting' of the Israeli political Govenment. This sifting hopefully will separate the evil erev Rav from the legitimate members that respect our Biblical heritage, value Eretz Yisrael and truly want to do the best for the Jewish People. As the erev rav sense that their dominion is being challenged they will try to intensify their control over the people.

Note the headline of the Jerusalem Post paper edition, today, Thursday, indicating that those that come to defend the land will be tried in military court. The Government has just increased it's militaristic hold on the Jews of Israel. They will be tried in a military court. Why would Ben-Eliezer want the IDF to shoot Jews who protest? No one is shooting at the "occupy" protestors. Who is this Ben-Eliezer? These are terrible words he uttered.

Again I point you to the Muqata who has a passionate post, Netanyahu vs Advocates of Civil War. I may not agree with his assessment of PM Netanyahu, but it is stirring nevertheless.


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