11 December 2011

Glenn Beck ... Concerned About the Future of America

Listen to what Glenn has to say, he's a visionary:

Glenn Beck Has a Vision
Restoring Values
The Point of Singularity is Coming
There is No Solution from the Top
G-d is Forcing us to Stand Together
To Be Decent to One Another
Refuse to Follow the Rest of Society Going off the Cliff
We Have to do the Work Ourselves
Putting "Caring" back into your Life

Visit Glenn's Mercury One website

“To inspire, organize and mobilize individuals to improve the human condition physically, emotionally and spiritually with malice towards none and charity for all.”

It's Amazing how the Christians are being motivated by Glenn Beck to stand up and be accountable for what they think and what they are doing, to care about their fellow, to engage in COMMON DECENCY. I don't know how many are aligned with his thinking, but if it becomes what he envisions, it will be remarkable. They may become the righteous remainders of America if the worst happens, that people are fearing, that Glenn speaks about.

65% of Religious hate crimes in the U.S. were against Jews

Another of his passions: At the very end of the video he presents a video clip about a possible cancer cure that could revolutionize the way cancer patients are treated.


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