11 November 2011


We Are Brothers

This video is an introduction to a new book by Glenn Beck,
coming from his visit of solidarity
with the Jewish People
in Israel.
It's amazing, but his voice seems to be the loudest of all our 'friends'
while the voices of our detractors
are busy mumbling behind the scenes.

Glenn explains:

I went to Israel not as a tourist, but as a seeker. I went to seek an example of courage in the face of unspeakable evil. I went because I knew that Israel is a place where the largest daily struggle is just to live normally without fear, without rockets, without terror. In Israel, you see what it really means to choose life, to choose goodness, to choose to follow the light against incredible odds.

That’s why the title of this book is WE ARE BROTHERS; Every free man and woman on the planet today is a brother or a sister of Israel; it’s a single family of freedom and life.

It’s time for all of us to decide which side we are on; to know what we really stand for and what we believe in before we are put to the ultimate test. I know where I stand: with freedom, with goodness, with courage.

I stand with Israel. I hope you will join me.

-Glenn Beck


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Guest Post: “ The Unspoken Wounds:”

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