20 November 2011

Wake Up! America ...

Bringing people together

This is exactly the direction that American Jews should be moving.

People are questioning the way the American society is changing, not for the better, and with ominous signals that are similar to those that occurred before the Shoah. People are panicking inside, they don't understand why they are feeling depressed and nervous. Or, on the other hand why they need to keep buying 'bigger and better', every new popular "craze," flashy sparkling sequined shoes, sparkling jackets, matching sparkling socks, sparkling handbags ad infinitum. People are being challenged in the area of their faith and Emuna.

Those that have gone thru these societal changes before will tell you this is the way it started in Europe.

While I don't believe the trouble and turmoil will be the same as WWII Europe, even though Germany is gaining power, enough that it could go to war with Europe to "save Europe" from itself and it's failing economy.

That might be the beginning of gogUmagog?? But we don't know and have to wait and see. It could come from another direction.

In the meantime, another bank is opening in Boro Park! "They" are going to where "they" think all the money is! On one block there are now THREE banks! If people are hurting financially, and need a scapegoat, where and to whom are "they" going to go next?

* * * * *

Part of seeing the Geula in front of our eyes is seeing the seed decay in order to allow the budding of new growth. This dynamic is built into creation by HaShem. So when we look at life globally, the decay is on a much larger scale. We see the disintegration of the seed first and then slowly a little bud peeks thru the soil to begin it's upward climb out and into the sun (into the warm rays of Moshiach). The process takes time, but we keep our eyes focused on the signs of budding.


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