Which is it President Nicolas Sarkozy?
Just who is being Occupied?
France says "Maale Adumim is occupied territory".
A French citizen who lives in Ma’aleh Adumim and recently tried to renew his French passport, received a letter which said that his country of residence in the new passport would be listed as “occupied Palestine.” The citizen turned to MK Lia Shemtov from the Yisrael Beiteinu party.
“It is inconceivable that Ma’aleh Adumim will be listed in the passport as occupied Palestinian territory,” ... “I turned to the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the staff there were also amazed to see that the passport says that Ma’aleh Adumim is part of Palestine, a country which has never even existed.”
We need to ask France how they can "point political fingers" at citizens in Israel when they have 750 No Go Zones where the French People are not allowed to exist!

'No-go' zones are for everyone that is not Muslim are springing up all over Europe at alarming rates. Many neighborhoods in London are now unsafe for non-Muslims to inhabit. These areas have been formed with 'ethnic cleansing' harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim harassment. Not only are these places unsafe to live in, they're hazardous to walk into. Many women have been threatened with violence and even death for not wearing Islamic veils when simply walking in a London neighborhood. Gays have also had death threats shouted at them by Muslim preachers.
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