27 November 2011

Technology Saves Girl's Life

While some segments of the Jewish World are burning their iPhones, and moving away from owning personal technological devices, there are other segments of society that are using them to improve and save lives. Anyone can become addicted to anything, whether a food, beverage, gadget, behavior, etc.

Arutz Sheva publicized how a doctor saved the life of a young girl, by asking his patient "upon hearing their description ... to record a video showing the dots using her iPhone, and send it to him."

These red dots first appeared inside her mouth and then began to spread to the rest of her body. When the doctor saw the video, "it confirmed his fears: she was suffering from a rare disease called ITP, which causes the immune system to act against platelets responsible for clotting. In its most dangerous form, ITP may lead to severe bleeding and death. She was rushed to the emergency room at Tel Hashomer Hospital ... received treatment for a week and her body returned to normal."

What would the world be without telephones? Where would the under-developed nations be without technological advancements.

"Science and technology in Israel is one of the country's most developed sectors. The percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D) in relation to gross domestic product (GDP), is amongst the highest in the world... Israeli scientists have contributed to the advancement of agriculture, computer sciences, electronics, genetics, medicine, optics, solar energy and various fields of engineering." Wikipedia

G-d Bless the Israelis, the People of Israel, and all the Jewish souls on earth.

The world was created with opposites: daytime and nightime, man and woman, heat and cold, sunlight and moonlight, et al., and especially good and evil. Everything and anything can be used for goodness, to better mankind and improve the conditions of the world.

But then there are those who live in the opposite and worship death. They try to destroy the 'good' in any way possible. But the "good" will triumph over the "evil".


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Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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