15 November 2011

Quantum Levitation

One of the Chasidei Umos HaOlam (pious one of the nations) that is tuned to "latter days" sitings, has an amazing post from 10 November:

Daniel 12:4 prophesied “knowledge shall be increased [exponentially]” in the latter days, and this link is an example of this prophecy being fulfilled. We can know the Daniel 12:4 prophecy meant an exponential increase in knowledge as the Hebrew word translated “increased” is the same word used to describe how the waters “increased” and flooded the entire earth in the Noachian Deluge (Genesis 7:17). There was an exponential increase in the waters on the earth in Noah’s time so that is how mankind’s fund of knowledge will be increased in the latter days. The stunning increase in mankind’s knowledge in our time is one of the proofs that we are, indeed, living in the latter days.

Quantum Levitation (think flying saucers?)

Video from ASTC, Association of Science - Technology Centers 2011 Annual Convention featuring "knowledge that works," 15-18 October in Baltimore MD. This Conference featured Quantum Levitation. On their blog, Larry Hoffer wrote "While this demonstration of quantum levitation by Tel-Aviv University’s Superconductivity Group was shot during the recent ASTC Annual Conference in Baltimore. There is true physics behind it. To date, this video has gotten more than 5 million hits on YouTube and been featured in media outlets all across the globe."


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