22 November 2011


One can occasionally trip and fall into this definition, but to do so often one can become identified as this behavior:

Haaretz Editorial: Barak's VERBOSITY has strengthened Iran.

Wiktionary - add to that POMPOSITY:
The quality of being pompous; self-importance. He shows great pomposity, the pretentious windbag.

And also An exaggerated sense of one's importance that shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims

As an example, this, as covered by One Jerusalem:

Israel's left-wing Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, relishes opportunities to hob knob with America's Left wing elite. For example, he never turns down invitations by Charlie Rose to discuss the problems of the world. In a recent appearance on Rose's show Barak: Haaretz reports that Barak was asked on PBS' "Charlie Rose" on Wednesday: "If you were them (Iran), wouldn't you want a nuclear weapon?"

"Probably, probably. I know, it's not -- I don't delude myself that they are doing it just because of Israel," he said. "They look around, they see the Indians are nuclear, the Chinese are nuclear, Pakistan is nuclear ... not to mention the Russians," Barak said, referring to secretive nuclear programs in Arab countries like Iraq, in the past, and of Israel itself.

Barak has compiled a long record of aiding Israel's enemies. As Prime Minister he offered Yassar Arafat Jerusalem and he abandoned Israel's allies in Lebanon. Now he is justifying Iran's nuclear ambitions. I guess during World War II he would have rationalized Germany's expansionism.


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