05 November 2011

Shavua Tov!

Is America Losing its Sanity and Morality?
Reversal of Moral Norms and Antisemitism Occupying America

End of Days blogger Dov Bar-Lieb informs us:

The place where the Talmud in Chullin takes special notice in how far a civilization can deteriorate before G-d no longer grants blessings to a society for the decency of previous generations. There seem to be two things that cauise G-d to have such seething rage that societies that publicly accept these two things remove themselves from G-d's perpetual blessings.

1. Selling human flesh in the market place as "kosher" food. This actually happened in 2006 after the 2nd Lebanon War and the War with Gaza when Hamas sold the body parts of Israeli soldiers in the open market; and

On a equal plain with the above according to the Talmud is not another crime of free hate as above but a crime of unrestricted free love: 2. a country or jurisdiction which grants ketubot (Marriage contracts) to male homosexuals

According to the Talmud in Chullin a country or legal jurisdiction which grants marriage contracts to male homosexuals will incur just as much of G-d's Wrath as a country that permits the sale of human flesh and body parts in the open market. So you see it is not simply the abominable act itself which causes G-d to "boil". It is the public acceptance of this lifestyle as being just as kosher as marital relations between a man and a woman that brings upon that society sudden destruction.

Sudden Destruction, like the unusual October Storm that raced through the Northeast was considered more damaging than Hurricaine Irene that ripped through many states.

The world does not need meteoroids or asteroids crashing into earth to disrupt life as some have known it. 'Nature' (and the weather) is G-d's messenger.
We Jews don't believe in 'coincidences'.

Magnitude 5.6 - OKLAHOMA QUAKE
2011 November 06 03:53:10 UTC
A record 5.6 magnitude earthquake shook Oklahoma on Saturday night, less than 24 hours after a 4.7 temblor hit the state.

The Saturday night earthquake had a magnitude of 5.6, and its epicenter was four miles east of Sparks in Lincoln County, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey. The quake hit at 10:53 p.m., and it was reportedly felt as far away as Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Texas.

The United States (not so united anymore) has been and is still experiencing unusual weather and 'rebelling nature" patterns, disrupting life, and

One Man's story seems to paraphrase the lives of many Americans affected by weather related experiences.

A resident of Connecticut has had his full. First heavy snow destroyed his vintage Piper J-5A airplane kept in his hangar, a tornado tore out an oak tree from his back yard, then "Irene" came along and uprooted another oak that fell into his house ... Each time he was without electricity. “I’m going to Costa Rica in January, and I don’t know if I’m ever coming back.”

"Said one woman: 'I don’t know what’s going on, with tsunamis and volcanoes erupting and earthquakes all over the world,' ... but things sure are weird.”


"That's how climatologist Bill Patzert describes the wide range of deadly weather effects that have whipped the nation this year, killing hundreds of people and doing billions of dollars in damage"

"The rapidly worsening climate system ... is ripping apart the security of the American people, one “freak” storm, drought, flood, fire at a time. In a piece inspired by the October snow storm, the New York Times describes how a broad swath of middle-class America — the millions of suburban and rural residents who rely on the above-ground electricity grid — is suffering from the new era of regular power outages from intense storms and floods that physically damage utility poles and lines"

Snow now in 49 states
Thanks to unusual weather patterns, there's snow on the ground in 49 out of 50 US states, including Hawaii.

The Economy, the Weather, Power Supply,
next maybe the Food Supply
(these all sound like ominous warnings to me):

A nationwide ADL survey released just yesterday found that anti-Semitic attitudes have risen in America.

"The ADL survey found that 15 percent of Americans - nearly 35 million adults - hold deeply anti-Semitic views. That's up three percent from 2009. 19-percent answered "probably true" to the statement "Jews have too much control/influence on Wall Street," an increase from 14-percent in 2009.

"The fact that anti-Semitic attitudes have increased significantly over the past two years is troubling and raises questions about the impact of broader trends in America - financial insecurity, social uncertainty, the decline in civility and the growth of polarization - on attitudes toward Jews," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. Several cases of anti-Semitism have been documented at various Occupy Wall Street [mobs] across the country."


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