04 September 2009

The Cry of the Bird's Angel

Ki Tetze: For His Name's Sake

by Levi Chazen

The key to understanding our return to the Land

If a bird's nest happens to be before you on the road, on any tree or on the ground - young birds or egg - and the mother is roosting on the young birds or on the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young. You shall surely send away the mother...."

The Zohar explains that when the mother bird is driven from her nest, she flies restlessly over the hills, and cries out bitterly over her fate and separation from her young ones. The angel appointed over the birds appears before the Heavenly Throne and reproaches G-d, saying: "Why have You, Who are compassionate in all Your ways, commanded this law in the Torah?"

HaShem then turns to all the Heavenly hosts and reprimands them, saying: "You have witnessed how the angel appointed over the birds speaks up for her charges. Why, then, do none of you voice concern about My children, the Jewish people, and the Divine Presence, both of whom are in exile? The Divine Presence is not in the 'nest' - the Holy Temple in Jerusalem - and My children are not in the Land of Israel, but there are none of you to arouse My compassion and defend them?"

HaShem Himself then cries out: "For My own sake, for My own sake will I do it, for why should My Name be profaned?"

We see that it is the cry of the bird's angel that causes HaShem to have mercy on His House - the Temple - and His children. We find that this is the same reason given by the prophet Ezekiel (Ch. 36) for the return of the Jewish people in our days to their Land:

It is the cry of the bird’s angel that causes HaShem to have mercy on His House

"Thus says the L-rd HaShem, it is not for your sake that I act, O House of Israel, but for My Holy Name that you have desecrated among the nations where you came."

This, then, is the key to understanding our return to the Land of Israel in our day. The exile, where the Jews have been for the past 2,000 years, was a desecration of G-d's holy Name, a place where the Jew was beaten, gassed and killed. So, in order to wipe that out, HaShem, for His great Name's sake, brought us back to our own Land in order to sanctify His Name. The same Jews who, during the dark Holocaust, were killed daily by the tens of thousands, were now those who defended themselves against large armies who were attacking to throw them into the sea.

Today, HaShem still cries out: "For My Name's sake, for My Name's sake...." as the world leaders begin to tighten the noose around the neck of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Daily, unparalleled pressure is placed upon the Israeli government to give up land, to stop building, to demolish and to throw the Jews out of their homes. Never before have we heard so many world leaders demand that Israel withdraw from its historical inheritance. From the US to Germany to France, Great Britain and the rest of Europe, the West is showing its true colors - as our leaders cave in to their demands.

The day is not far off when the world will unite around this course of defeating Israel and forcing her to surrender. Soon their words will turn to actions. Still, though, HaShem says: "For My Name's sake, for My Name's sake...." As the prophet Ezekiel tells us (Ch. 38): "Son of Man, direct your face towards Gog of the Land of Magog... you will be repaid for your sins...."

The nations of the world are now being tested. They will soon be led to a path that they will not return from; the more they pressure the Jewish State, the faster they will fall. And as for the Jews, HaShem already told us that, for His holy Name's sake, He will bring the Redemption.

Elul 7, 5769 / 27 August 09

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