02 September 2009

The Rebbe said ...

UPDATE: Reposting this because it seems NO ONE is listening to their Rebbe!

Toldos Aharon Rebbe:

“Demonstrations Have to Be in Our Neighborhoods”

[Bakehilla reported 8/20] … In a private conversation with several of his confidants in his summer home in Tzefas, the Toldos Aharon Rebbe told them that he forbids his chassidim to demonstrate next to the Karta parking lot.

This causes a Chillul Hashem and involves pritzus and unnecessary battles. This does not fulfill our obligation to protest and just causes spiritual damage,” he explained, quoting the Chazal:

“A person should not be asked to sin to confer a benefit on his friend.”


The Rebbe confirmed that the public should listen to the instructions of the Gaavad of the Badatz who said they should demonstrate. However, “the demonstrations should be in the places where we live, and should not extend beyond Rechov Shivtei Yisroel during the demonstration.” [English Yated 8 Elul]

Is that why once again:

Charedim Block Roads in Protest of Parking Lot Open on Shabbat [with video]


Charedi Injured in Parking Lot Protest [with video]

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