07 September 2009

Barak's Announcement is a Mockery

So says:
Yigal Amitai: "Barak's announcement is a mockery, mostly of the Likud. In all the towns, there is enormous demand for additional housing units. A few hundred units barely meet the needs and demand of 2007. The time has come for Ehud Barak, with his eight mandates, to stop deriding the Likud and the entire government."

It is estimated that the housing units will only be built in
Har Gilo, Maaleh Adumim, Givat Zeev, or other large blocs.

Yesha Council Director General Pinchas Wallerstein said to Ynet, "In actuality, the defense minister isn't authorizing even one house or one new contract, and isn't issuing one new tender."

I would hate to think that Barak is announcing so-called "building" in areas that were approved years ago (under Olmert) and/or might be included in any ch'vs "give away" that is being negotiated in increments daily?

Could it mean the "building" is really slated to enhance the ch'vs "give-away"??

Look at this map I found:

It represents, in their own words, "Monitoring Israeli Colonizing activities ... a joint project between the Applied Research Institute in Jerusalem (ARIJ) and the Land Research Center (LRC). The project, funded by the European Union, aims at inspecting and scrutinizing Israeli colonizing activities in their different forms in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza, and to disseminate the related information to policy makers in the European countries and to the general public.

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