04 June 2009


OBAMA: Speaking the Truth of the Koran

THREAT*"The replenishment of ammunition and weapons supplies in the event of another expected conflagration in the Gaza Strip or Lebanon is a matter of American goodwill"

THREAT*Info Blackout: "And they waited to hear Obama...They have no idea what he will say... With Bush they would have had the draft in advance...But they are in the dark...This is part of the American withdrawal of cooperation"

THREAT*Maariv summed-up front-page headline: "Pressure"

THREAT*"Obama doesn't want to see even one cement mixer in the West Bank"

THREAT*U.S. inaction at the United Nations in thwarting resolutions critical of Israel to choking off some military supplies

THREAT*Delaying the shipment of spares for the Apaches -- Israel's U.S.-made attack helicopters -- can ground the air force

True Emes (truth) Jewish Style

Now is the time to tell the world (again) what Rashi said, loud and clear, that this Land belongs to the Jews, the direct ancestors of Yaakov, Yitzchak, Avraham Avinu. No nonsense is the byline. 

The only way to approach Pharaoh is with Parshas Bo!  Let My People Live!

If Israeli leaders follow the bluprint in Parshas Bo, from the Pesach Haggadah, then Hashem will be by our side! 

Bibi, this is your hour, be brave, courageous, and make the right approach. This is the showdown, and it's not nuclear, it is historical and biblical. We were attacked and we defended ourselves and now the Land is back with its rightful guardians. The OWNER is not Obama, the OWNER is Hashem, and He gave this Land to Avraham Avinu's descendants, the children of Yaakov Avinu. 

The Phillistines (so-called palestinians) can return to Gaza, or join their relatives in Jordan!

Some Other Choice Words

“Let’s not mince words,” says Knesset Member Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), head of the National Union party. “The Obama-Clinton ‘no natural growth’ policy for 650,000 Jews in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem is nothing less than anti-Semitism.”

“Ever since we liberated Jerusalem, the Golan and the other Biblical Jewish areas over 40 years ago,” Katz said, “American administrations have always been pushing us and trying to stunt our growth in Judea and Samaria; what the Obama Administration is trying to do is not new.

"MK Katz:  US supporters of Israel must get tough with Obama"

MK Aryeh Eldad:  “Obama makes a shocking parallel between the destruction of European Jewry and the suffering that the Arabs of Israel brought upon themselves when they declared war on Israel.”

MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari:  “The Zionist vision of the rebuilding of the Land of Israel is stronger than any president or government. We outlasted Pharaoh, and we will outlast Obama.”

MK Zevulun Orlev:  "...Our response must not be to cave in, but rather to have dialogue with, and persuade the Administration, while waging an emergency call-up of all the resources of Israel and the Jewish nation. ” 

Yogev:  "Though the speech was not inflammatory, I am sure that it will give a push to the settlement effort throughout Judea and Samaria, and we will grow even stronger than the five percent growth rate we already enjoy." 

1 comment:

yaak said...

Thanks for this.
ה' יעזור

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