12 June 2009

Swine Flu Strikes ... Palestinian Authority

Does this man speak for Israel and the Israeli People, or does he speak for someone else??

Peres to EU: Set Temporary Borders for PA State

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has refused to begin talks unless Israel first complies with the precondition of agreeing to the establishment of a PA state.

What happened to recognizing Israel and the Jewish People!!!

Ten Major U.S. Disasters on Dates Significant to Treatment of Israel-Truth!

Summary of the eRumor
A list of ten dates on which there important events related to Israel along with natural disasters affecting the United States. The implication is that the U.S. had better pay attention to decisions about Israel...or else.
The Truth
The historical accounts in this eRumor are, for the most part, accurate. What is left is the question of what do they mean? Believers in the email's message say it means that if the U.S. wants to avoid natural nice to Israel. Skeptics say that going through all the events in a particular span of years and finding apparent correlations doesn't mean they were connected. 

Check out the disasters at (link above)

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EMERGENCY......PRAY FOR Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani

a personal note: this bochur represents all the bochurim in the Jewish frum world who are under the same threat, but not yet actual! Without...