13 February 2025

Amalek's War on Truth, and Why Jews Are Hated the Most Plus:


Amalek's War on Truth, and Why Jews Are Hated the Most
Plus: Wicked leadership is not an excuse to abandon the land

What is the fundamental difference between Yisro and Amalek?

What made Yisro certain that Hashem is the true God?

How did Amalek lure Jews into their clutches?

Why is an atheist on a lower spiritual level than an idolater?

In what way is an agnostic even dumber than an atheist?

Why are skeptics not intellectuals, but the greatest fools?

Why should a Jew not educate his child in the path of Yisro?

How can we easily discern that the other religions are false at the very foundation?

Why do the other nations of the world really hate the Jews?

They hate each other too, but why do they hate the Jews most of all?

All this and more in this week's Torah class is embedded here and available on my Rumble channel at

Several readers have recently expressed a desire to flee Eretz Yisrael because they are fed up with the wicked Erev Rav regime and the many ways they are waging war against us.

On the one hand this is a positive development, because they recognize that the problems we face will not be solved by voting harder, trying to change the system from within, continuing to make an avoda zara out of the IDF and the fake-Jewish state, or attempting to force change with kochi v’otzem yadi.

On the other hand, they’ve reached a point of despair, and believe that running away (as if there is really anywhere to run) might be the best idea. This is a most disturbing development.

My new book, Sefer Kibbutz Galuyos, is complete and being prepared for publication. The main purpose of the sefer is to demonstrate to Torah-oriented Jews in galus that there is a crystal clear Mitzvah for Jews to return to Eretz Yisrael before Moshiach comes. However, it seems many Jews in Eretz Yisrael urgently need chizuk as well to remain and keep up the fight — even when the “odds” seem overwhelming.

This is addressed in several parts of the sefer, one of which I am sharing below.

Wicked leadership is not an excuse to abandon the land

Bamidbar Rabba 13:14 states as follows in reference to the sacrifices of the nesi'im during the inauguration of the Mishkan, which were replete with symbolic meaning:

אילים חמשה עתודים חמשה כבשים בני שנה חמשה, כנגד חמשה עשר מלכים שהיו מרחבעם ועד צדקיהו שהיו מלך בן מלך. מהם צדיקים גמורים, מהם בינונים, מהם רשעים גמורים

Five rams, five goats, five lambs one-year-old”: This corresponds to fifteen kings that were from Rechavam until Tzidkiyahu, who were each a king, the son of a king. Some of them were entirely righteous, some of them were in the middle, some of them were entirely wicked.

The rulership of Eretz Yisrael vacillated back and forth from one extreme to the other, and included many periods when the kings were entirely wicked. There were times when the land was filled with idolatry and other grievous sins, spearheaded by evil, tyrannical kings. Nevertheless, we have no record of the minority of righteous Jews in Eretz Yisrael abandoning the land in favor of safer spiritual pastures, nor is such a notion entertained anywhere by Chazal.

The Gemara in Kesubos 110b takes this point a step further:

ת"ר לעולם ידור אדם בארץ ישראל אפילו בעיר שרובה עובדי כוכבים, ואל ידור בחו"ל ואפילו בעיר שרובה ישראל, שכל הדר בארץ ישראל דומה כמי שיש לו אלוה, וכל הדר בחוצה לארץ דומה כמי שאין לו אלוה, שנאּ (ויקרא כה:לח) "לתת לכם את ארץ כנען להיות לכם לאלהים", וכל שאינו דר בארץ אין לו אלוה? אלא לומר לך כל הדר בחו"ל כאילו עובד עבודת כוכבים, וכן בדוד הוא אומר (שמואל א כו:יט) "כי גרשוני היום מהסתפח בנחלת הּ לאמר לך עבוד אלהים אחרים", וכי מי אמר לו לדוד לך עבוד אלהים אחרים? אלא לומר לך כל הדר בחו"ל כאילו עובד עבודת כוכבים

The Rabbis taught: One should always dwell in Israel, even in a city that is mostly heathen, and not dwell outside of Israel, even in a city that is mostly Jewish — for anyone who dwells in the Land of Israel is likened to one who has a God, and anyone who dwells outside the land is likened to one who has no God, as it states “To give you the land of Canaan, to be for you a God.”

But does anyone who does not dwell in the land not have a God?! Rather, it is coming to tell you that anyone who dwells outside the land is as if he is worshipping idolatry. And so by David it says, (Shmuel I 26:19) “For they have driven me out today from being gathered in the inheritance of Hashem, saying 'go worship other gods.'” Now who told David to go serve other gods? Rather, it is telling you that anyone who dwells outside the land is as if he is worshipping idolatry.

Not only should those in Eretz Yisrael stay in the land even if it is rampant with idolatry, but the Jews outside the land should favor such a living situation over a holy shtetl in galus.

It should be noted that this halachic Gemara immediately precedes the dispute between Rabbi Ze'eira, who desired to move to Eretz Yisrael, and Rabbi Yehuda. Both agreed that there was an oath not to go up like a wall (en masse, with force), but Rabbi Yehuda took a more extreme position that even individuals from Babylonia should not go up, based on his understanding of the pesukim.

Chazal did not bring this as a “ma'aseh listor”, a story to contradict the halacha that had just been taught. Rather, it is to illustrate the halacha that one is indeed allowed and encouraged to move to Eretz Yisrael, so long as he is not raising an army to force the end of the exile.

It's no coincidence that, barring a last-minute change of plans, the next round of the pre-planned war is scheduled to begin on Shabbos (our savior Trump’s arbitrary “deadline” for releasing more hostages, which for no sensible reason other than to condition and manipulate the masses has to be dragged out in numerous stages).

The Erev Rav and Amalek take advantage of every opportunity and excuse to cause Jews to desecrate Shabbos, IDF soldiers in particular. Look forward to the Chief Erev Rav urging the population to keep their radios and cell phones on over Shabbos to receive alerts, the sanctity of Shabbos to be pierced by sirens, and the masses to scurry to their "safe rooms".

As for me, I'll be ignoring them completely and enjoying Shabbos properly no matter what. They can all go to hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yasher Koach!