A great man once said," When you have something to say, silence is a lie"
Where shall I begin?
The wreckage of the cyclonic events has not stopped swirling around us, hardly giving us time to breathe, let alone to respond with cogent thoughts.
The cyclone's destruction is not new. Its centrifugal destructive powers have been constantly increasing in our generation.
One might ponder, how did we not foresee the inevitable consequences? Ask the proverbial frog basking in incrementally warming water.
How did we get to this point?
One day we may know many more details about the grandest of follies or perhaps even of the treason by individuals in sectors of the Israeli power structure.
I refer to the recent worst blow to the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Some might suggest that in a way, this was even worse because it happened in the Jewish state where the promise of "never again!" was supposed to be real. What will the new slogan be? "Never again - this time really for real"?
Jew haters throughout the "civilized" world were immediately unhinged with a liberating, orgasmic feeling as Jewish babies were thrust into ovens
Gone were the shackles of "civilization". When Hamas broke through the fences they burst a bubble of intolerable restraint for the Jew-haters.
Finally, the world has returned to its normal state.
Most Jews (not those who still thought they could escape the unleashed wrath by being less Jewish ) were shaken and understood that the post-Holocaust Golden age of Jewish acceptance was over.
Jews were returned to their familiar history amongst the seventy wolves.
"Never again" now means, never will the Jewish people be threatened but rather, never again should Jews be lulled into sweet illusions about the world.
But my problem is not with the non-Jews. I never had any illusions, therefore I am not very surprised or saddened.
(Some righteous non-Jews have shown their courage and humanity just as during the Holocaust).
My frustration and sadness are reserved only for our own people.
Our Torah teaches us that "there is nothing new under the sun"
Indeed as today, foreign enemies have always targeted God's chosen people thus attacking God.
We have learned that in every case, their mighty plans were foiled and they ceased to exist while the people of Israel live on.
These accounts of attempts of destruction do not exact a feeling of betrayal or even surprise.
Rather, the stories of fellow Jews acting treacherously anger the most.
It began with the Exodus from Egypt Some examples: Datan and Aviram, Korach, the ten spies, the Hellenists who helped the Greeks stamp out Judaism, the Romanized Jewish apostates who took part in the destruction of the Temple, Jewish apostates that ran the Inquisition in Spain, Jews who hid news of Holocaust from the public, Jews who championed the Arab claims to our land before and after the state of Israel was founded.
The shameful pattern continues to this very moment.
The same people responsible for the fatal illusions that led to Oct 7 still insist that the " Jewish Hilltop youth" are a greater threat than Hamas!
These types feel more comfortable sharing a cup of coffee with a Jew-hating Arab than a Jew who is "too Jewish"
Like Pharaoh, the anti-Torah self-appointed elite will never repent. Their hearts are just too hard.
For them, our enemies' growth in strength has never been as threatening as that of the blossoming of Torah observance and learning in Israel.
Long ago, these elites were certain that the country would be rid of any vestiges of Judaism by now
Instead, Israel is the largest Toran center in the world and growing, and they hate it
This is frustrating, yet I understand their pathologic self-hatred. It is not a new phenomenon.
What frustrates me even more is the positions and statements of certain major Torah personalities in certain circles.
How could they have agreed to the Oslo treachery or the Gush Katif crime?
How can they declare today that it is better to leave the country than serve in the army(not the Czar's army but the Jewish one protecting us), or, better the Arabs rule than the Zionists?
Which Arabs; Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan?
Under which Arabs will there be a respectful, safer Jewish life, a greater kiddush Hashem?
It's not the Goyim that I worry most about.
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"
Reminder: WE ARE ALL ONE. ONE BODY. Since we are all ONE, a part of our body is in pain. Suffering. For our collective sins. We will all benefit from this greatly. But suffer we do. Suffering we are. Yet, how Great is Hashem. He reminds us to remind ourselves every moment to find joy, still, somehow. After shacharis we say The Remembrances. They happened to/for us even this minute. We must find the joy. We must share it. Encourage others in the face of our extreme pain. We are good at this. Miracles abound. The hardest and truest test our body experiences it to be greatful. We are already promised the win in this battle. There is a red circle on the calendar. Dance in anticipation.
-leah from Har Nof
This post was excellent but the true patriots of Eretz Yisrael are correct when
they show their disdain and anger towards a so-called Jewish army that acts
on behalf of the enemy more than the benefit to our own people. This is a tremendous chilul Hashem. It is amazing how every single young man and reservist do not see fit to unite against the evil, stupid actions of the higher echelons in the military, the government and, of course, the wicked non-Jewish so-called Supreme court in the Land, to change the actions and goals of the military and country and do what they are meant to do - PROTECT YOUR OWN PEOPLE first and destroy your enemy in totality and heed only
G-D's Commands. They must be united with one heart; otherwise, we are seeing the destruction, c'v, of our young men (& r'l, women) being decimated by our evil sub-human enemy. What is now happening seems to be surreal, as if common sense and normalcy has been erased from the minds of man. People have lost their normal understanding between right and wrong, good and evil. Insanity has taken over!
Also, most all of our tzarot and defeats come from the Erev Rav which started at yetziat Mitzrayim and who eventually united together with many misfits amongst our own people with Esav and Yishmael to go against the real Jews who love Hashem, His Torah, His Land, His people so they can, c'v, undo the Bnai Yisrael once and for all. It will not help them because in the end, the G-D of Israel will wage the final battle against all of our enemies. Amen!
PS: Regarding the so-called rabbis who stand up for all the misdeeds of the
leadership are what we call erev rav rabbis. This is why we must be united in prayer to HKB'H to answer us speedily with great compassion for every true Jew.
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