““Mishenichnas Adar Marbim b’simcha …. With the coming of Adar, simcha increases.”
We have arrived at that moment, but where is the simcha?
It seems to me that there is an overwhelming sense of apprehension, distress and fear, as if the world is about to explode.
For example: much of the Jewish World was ecstatic when Donald Trump was elected. He saw clearly the evil of the barbarians with whom Israel had been fighting, and it seemed as if all would be well. But then something incomprehensible occurred. After eighteen months of fighting, during which we were told that our enemies had been defeated, Israel made a deal to free the hostages. I understand why it was necessary to make it, but it is a horrible deal.
Apparently, our enemies have not been defeated.
Chazal say that, if we fail to do teshuva in the Days Before Moshiach, then “the Holy One Blessed is He, will appoint a ruler over [us] whose decrees will be as harsh as [those of] Haman,” and we will be frightened into doing teshuva. (Sanhedrin 97b)
My friends, I want to say that now, in the Month of Adar, the lessons of Purim are looming larger than ever. How does the Megillah begin?
“Achashveros … reigned from Hodu to Cush, over one hundred twenty-seven provinces ….” which our commentators understand to mean “the entire world.”
The Jews were surrounded! There was no place to go and no place was safe. The entire world was a seething cauldron of hatred, and all it would take was one spark to ignite the explosion.
Oh yes, we were comfortable in Shushan ha Bira. Too comfortable! There was a “week-long feast for all the people, great and small alike.” Just like today, when we are so comfortable in the lavish feast all around us, eating and drinking in the world of strangers.
In the Shema, it says that “you will eat and be satisfied.” At that exact point, where we feel satisfied, the Torah warns us, “beware lest your heart be seduced.” When our stomachs are full, our senses are dulled and we are prone to “turn astray and serve gods of others.” Yes, the banquet even has kosher food, but it is not our banquet. As the Torah warns us, “Yeshurun became fat and kicked.” (Dvarim 32:15)
It is crucial to focus on what Queen Esther identifies as the way to save her people. “Go, assemble all the Jews … and fast for me … and then I will go to the king ….”
We are at this moment feasting at the banquet of the Other Nations. We have forgotten who we are. This is not our banquet! Listen to the words of Esther ha Malka: “assemble ourselves … fast,” and then go to the King.
What is Queen Esther telling us?
First, we have to “assemble.” We Yidden are splintered into countless factions. Unless we stop fighting and become “like one man with one heart,” we are not going to make it. There is absolutely no hope unless we become one family.
I know it seems impossible, but survival is a potent argument. The fact is that we have no choice. Without achdus we cannot be saved.
Second, we have to “fast.” We have to leave the banquet of the surrounding nations, even if their food is glatt kosher. We have to eat from our own table, not their table.
If we do these two things -- become one and leave the foreign banquet -- then we will be able to “enter the presence of the King of Kings.”
My friends, I know it sounds impossible. We think that we cannot do it. We cannot become one and we cannot leave their banquet! It is hopelessly unrealistic, right?
It was also “unrealistic” that we would ever get out of Mitzraim, but when survival is at stake, somehow the impossible becomes possible.
That is why our sages tell us, if we do not do teshuva in the days before Moshiach, a king as cruel as Haman will appear, and then there will be no choice. Fear and trembling are very good teachers. The Jews felt secure in Germany until suddenly Hitler – y’mach shemo – appeared out of “nowhere.”
The reality is that Hashem will not let us disappear. Since He loves us, He will bring about the means of our salvation.
“Go, assemble all the Jews … and fast for me.”
When we do this, then we will merit to appear before the King of Kings, and it will be said about us, “The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor.” (Megillah 8:16)
May we see it soon in our days!
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The Banquet |
Adar: the Jewish month in which Purim is celebrated
Chazal: the rabbis of the Mishna and Gemora
Mitzraim: Ancient Egypt
Shushan ha Bira: capital city of King Achashverosh
Simcha: joy
Teshuva: repentance
Y’mach shemo: may his name be ground to dust
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