23 February 2025

Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

 Prophetic Messages for Jews With Heretical Beliefs

For those who trust in the IDF, Trump, Bibi, America, elections, and anything except Hashem

This article is of the utmost importance. I hope you will share it widely and take its lessons to heart.

The books of the prophets are severely neglected by the Jewish people, just as our ancestors severely neglected their words when they were spoken. Our ancestors paid for this by being driven into exile and ultimately having prophecy removed from their midst to this very day. We continue to do the same things, and expect different results.

The overwhelming majority of Jews today — including “religious” Jews — routinely express some or all of the following beliefs:

  • The IDF protects us, and the Jews in Israel would be slaughtered without them.
  • We have the ability to achieve victory over our enemies through our might.
  • If we destroyed our enemies, we would be safe.
  • The only barrier to victory is the unwillingness of the leadership to fully unleash our military might on the enemy.
  • We need leaders who will unleash our military might — regardless of whether these people are G-D-fearing and Torah-observant.
  • The urgent need for a nationwide spiritual return to Hashem and Jewish law is an afterthought at best, something we might pay lip service to, but not the most essential determinant of our material and military success.
  • As reflected by our media and our conversations, our primary attention and investment should be devoted to military and political machinations. This is what the Torah demands of us and Hashem expects of us.
  • All men of fighting age (with extremely limited exceptions at most) have a mitzvah to join the IDF, and should even be compelled to do so.
  • The larger the army, the safer we will be.
  • We need America and/or other foreign nations for money, weapons, protection, and “support”, and we could not survive without this. Hashem expects us to pursue their friendship and support, cater to their expectations, and be ever-mindful of their attitude toward us — even at great sacrifice.
  • The Jewish people would not have won some or all of their previous wars without foreign support.
  • The support of the American President and/or other foreign leader is significant, even necessary to advance Jewish destiny.
  • The support of Donald Trump is especially significant and necessary, to the point that he is a heaven-sent savior and protector of the Land of Israel, even a messianic figure.

All of these beliefs are outright kefira (heresy). Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of Jews, including Torah-oriented Jews and many rabbis, maintain beliefs such as these, which severely endangers us. The “religious” media as well — all of it — routinely spreads kefira of this nature, misleading Jews by the thousands and mainstreaming these false ideas.

The direct consequences of thinking and behaving according to these beliefs are angering Hashem, losing His protection, being betrayed by the false idols and foreign nations we relied upon, and falling into the hands of our enemies, G-D forbid.

No matter how cleverly they try to kosher up these ideas with corruptions of bitachon and hishtadlus, foolish comparisons to gentile leaders such as Koresh (who Chazal inform us was not righteous, and to whom our spiritual leaders did not grovel), and lip service about everything coming from Hashem, they are engaging in outright kefira, and all but guaranteeing severe punishment to teach us the hard way, G-D forbid.

These are harsh words, but they are true, substantiated by the clear, direct words of our prophets. I present for your urgent consideration an extensive collection of prophetic messages that are especially relevant in our time, when millions of Jews have returned to Eretz Yisrael, and they enjoy at least a small degree of autonomy (albeit under the wicked rule of Erev Rav posing as authentic Jewish leaders). No Jew of sound mind and honest heart can dismiss these divine, timeless messages or explain them away.

Heed them.


Divrei Hayamim II 16:1-10 (translations mostly from Judaica Press, with minor revisions):

בשנת שלשים ושש למלכות אסא עלה בעשא מלך ישראל על יהודה ויבן את הרמה לבלתי תת יוצא ובא לאסא מלך יהודה: ויצא אסא כסף וזהב מאצרות בית יהוה ובית המלך וישלח אל בן הדד מלך ארם היושב בדרמשק לאמר: ברית ביני ובינך ובין אבי ובין אביך הנה שלחתי לך כסף וזהב לך הפר בריתך את בעשא מלך ישראל ויעלה מעלי: וישמע בן הדד אל המלך אסא וישלח את שרי החילים אשר לו אל ערי ישראל ויכו את עיון ואת דן ואת אבל מים ואת כל מסכנות ערי נפתלי: ויהי כשמע בעשא ויחדל מבנות את הרמה וישבת את מלאכתו: ואסא המלך לקח את כל יהודה וישאו את אבני הרמה ואת עציה אשר בנה בעשא ויבן בהם את גבע ואת המצפה: ובעת ההיא בא חנני הראה אל אסא מלך יהודה ויאמר אליו בהשענך על מלך ארם ולא נשענת על יהוה אלהיך על כן נמלט חיל מלך ארם מידך: הלא הכושים והלובים היו לחיל לרב לרכב ולפרשים להרבה מאד ובהשענך על יהוה נתנם בידך: כי יהוה עיניו משטטות בכל הארץ להתחזק עם לבבם שלם אליו נסכלת על זאת כי מעתה יש עמך מלחמות: ויכעס אסא אל הראה ויתנהו בית המהפכת כי בזעף עמו על זאת וירצץ אסא מן העם בעת ההיא

In the thirty-sixth year of Asa's kingdom, Baasha, the king of Israel, went up against Judah, and he built the Ramah, so as not to allow anyone either to leave or enter to Asa, king of Judah. And Asa brought out silver and gold from the treasuries of the House of the Lord and the house of the king, and he sent to Ben Hadad, the king of Aram, who dwelt in Damascus, saying: “There is a treaty between me and you and between my father and your father; behold I have sent you silver and gold. Go, abrogate your treaty with Baasha, the king of Israel, that he may depart from me.”

And Ben Hadad heeded King Asa, and he sent the officers of his army to the cities of Israel, and they smote Ijjon and Dan and Abel-Maim, and all the storehouses of the cities of Naphtali.

When Baasha heard this, he stopped building the Ramah and he discontinued his work. And King Asa took all of Judah and they carried away the stones of the Ramah and its wood, which Baasha had built, and with them he built Geba and Mizpah.

And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa, king of Judah, and he said to him, "When you relied on the king of Aram, and you did not rely on the Lord your G-D; therefore, the army of the king of Aram escaped from your hand. Were not the Cushites and the Lubim a huge host with very many chariots and horsemen? But when you relied on the Lord, He delivered them into your hand. For the Lord — His eyes run to and fro throughout the entire earth to grant strength with those whose heart is whole toward Him. You have dealt foolishly in this matter, for from now on you shall have wars.”

And Asa was incensed against the seer, and he put him into the prison-house, for he was furious with him about this, and Asa crushed some of the people at that time.

This is the earliest case of a king of Israel turning to a foreign nation for military support. Although the tactic succeeded in the moment, the seer informed Asa that this was a foolish act, the punishment for which would be further wars instead of salvation from Hashem.

Asa was previously described as a righteous king, yet after relying on foreign support he was enraged by the rebuke of a seer, persecuted this holy man, and engaged in tyranny against righteous Jews who opposed his actions.

Hoshea 5:13:

וירא אפרים את חליו ויהודה את מזרו וילך אפרים אל אשור וישלח אל מלך ירב והוא לא יוכל לרפא לכם ולא יגהה מכם מזור

And Ephraim saw his ailment, and Judah his pain, and Ephraim went to Assyria, and he sent to the king of Yarev, but he will not be able to heal you, and he will not remove the pain from you.

Hoshea 8:9

כי המה עלו אשור פרא בודד לו אפרים התנו אהבים

For they went up to Assyria, a wild donkey secluded to himself, they paid hire for love.

Turning to other nations for protection and support is frequently equated with harlotry, a wife cheating on her husband, and idolatry.

Hoshea 11:5

לא ישוב אל מצרים ואשור הוא מלכו כי מאנו לשוב

He shall not return to the land of Egypt, but Assyria is his king, for they have refused to repent.

As Rashi and other commentaries explain, becoming vassals to other nations is a punishment for the Jews' failure to repent, and a consequence of seeking aid from them.

Hoshea 12:2-3

אפרים רעה רוח ורדף קדים כל היום כזב ושד ירבה וברית עם אשור יכרתו ושמן למצרים יובל: וריב ליהוה עם יהודה ולפקד על יעקב כדרכיו כמעלליו ישיב לו

Ephraim joins the wind and chases the east wind; all day he increases deceit and plunder, and they make a treaty with Assyria, and oil is brought to Egypt. Now the Lord has a contention with Judah, and to visit upon Jacob according to his ways; according to his deeds He shall return upon him.

Hoshea 14:4

אשור לא יושיענו על סוס לא נרכב ולא נאמר עוד אלהינו למעשה ידינו אשר בך ירחם יתום

Assyria shall not save us; we will not ride on horses, nor will we say any longer “our G-Ds” to the work of our hands, for it is in You that the orphan is granted mercy.

Yirmiya 2:18-20

ועתה מה לך לדרך מצרים לשתות מי שחור ומה לך לדרך אשור לשתות מי נהר: תיסרך רעתך ומשבותיך תוכחך ודעי וראי כי רע ומר עזבך את יהוה אלהיך ולא פחדתי אליך נאם אדני יהוה צבאות: כי מעולם שברתי עלך נתקתי מוסרותיך ותאמרי לא כי על כל גבעה גבהה ותחת כל עץ רענן את צעה זנה

And now, what is there for you to go on the way to Egypt to drink the water of the Shihor, and what is there for you to go on the way to Assyria to drink the water of the [Euphrates] river? Your evil will afflict you, and your backsliding will reprove you, and you shall know and see that your forsaking Hashem your G-D is evil and bitter, and fear of Me was not upon you, says the Lord, G-D of Hosts. For from the days of old I broke your yoke, I tore open your yoke-bands, and you said, “I will not transgress,” but on every lofty hill and under every leafy tree, you recline as a harlot.

Turning to foreign nations for support is once again directly equated with harlotry and idolatry, and an absence of fear of Hashem. Jews who rationalize that turning to other nations is acceptable so long as one still “trusts in Hashem” are fooling themselves and deceitfully trying to turn hishtadlus of betrayal into a mitzvah.

Yechezkel 16:25-30

אל כל ראש דרך בנית רמתך ותתעבי את יפיך ותפשקי את רגליך לכל עובר ותרבי את תזנותך: ותזני אל בני מצרים שכניך גדלי בשר ותרבי את תזנתך להכעיסני: והנה נטיתי ידי עליך ואגרע חקך ואתנך בנפש שנאותיך בנות פלשתים הנכלמות מדרכך זמה: ותזני אל בני אשור מבלתי שבעתך ותזנים וגם לא שבעת: ותרבי את תזנותך אל ארץ כנען כשדימה וגם בזאת לא שבעת: מה אמלה לבתך נאם אדני יהוה בעשותך את כל אלה מעשה אשה זונה שלטת

At the head of every road you built your lofty place, and you made your beauty an abomination; you spread your legs to every passerby, and you increased your harlotries. You engaged in harlotry with the sons of Egypt, your neighbors great of flesh, and you increased your harlotry to anger Me. Now behold, I stretched out My hand upon you, and I diminished your ration, and I delivered you to the will of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who were embarrassed by your lewd way.

And you engaged in harlotry with the people of Assyria because you were not sated, and you played the harlot with them, but you were still not satisfied. And you increased your harlotry with the land of Canaan, with the Chaldeans, and even with this you were not sated. How degenerate is your heart, says the Lord G-D, when you do all these things — the deed of a harlot dominated [by lustful desires].

Now come the consequences:

Yechezkel 16:35-42

לכן זונה שמעי דבר יהוה: כה אמר אדני יהוה יען השפך נחשתך ותגלה ערותך בתזנותיך על מאהביך ועל כל גלולי תועבותיך וכדמי בניך אשר נתת להם: לכן הנני מקבץ את כל מאהביך אשר ערבת עליהם ואת כל אשר אהבת על כל אשר שנאת וקבצתי אתם עליך מסביב וגליתי ערותך אלהם וראו את כל ערותך: ושפטתיך משפטי נאפות ושפכת דם ונתתיך דם חמה וקנאה: ונתתי אותך בידם והרסו גבך ונתצו רמתיך והפשיטו אותך בגדיך ולקחו כלי תפארתך והניחוך עירם ועריה: והעלו עליך קהל ורגמו אותך באבן ובתקוך בחרבותם: ושרפו בתיך באש ועשו בך שפטים לעיני נשים רבות והשבתיך מזונה וגם אתנן לא תתני עוד: והנחתי חמתי בך וסרה קנאתי ממך ושקטתי ולא אכעס עוד

Therefore, harlot, listen to the word of the Lord. So said the Lord G-D: Because your bottom was uncovered and your nakedness was revealed because of your harlotries with your lovers, and because of all your abominable idols, and according to the blood of your sons, which you gave them. Therefore, behold I gather all your lovers with whom you mingled, and all whom you loved with all whom you hated, and I shall gather them against you from around and I shall expose your nakedness to them, and they will see all your nakedness. And I shall judge you with the judgments of adulteresses and murderers, and I shall deliver you [to those who shed] blood with fury and zeal.

And I shall deliver you into their hands, and they will demolish your eminent place, and they will break down your lofty places and strip you of your clothing and take the vessels of your glory and leave you naked and bare. And they will raise up a mob against you and pelt you with stones, and they will pierce you with their swords. And they will burn your houses with fire and will inflict judgments upon you before the eyes of many women, and I shall stop you from being a harlot, and you will no longer give hire [for harlotry]. And I shall relieve My fury in you, and My jealousy will depart from you, and I shall be quiet and be angry no longer.

Yechezkel 23:5-10

ותזן אהלה תחתי ותעגב על מאהביה אל אשור קרובים: לבשי תכלת פחות וסגנים בחורי חמד כלם פרשים רכבי סוסים: ותתן תזנותיה עליהם מבחר בני אשור כלם ובכל אשר עגבה בכל גלוליהם נטמאה: ואת תזנותיה ממצרים לא עזבה כי אותה שכבו בנעוריה והמה עשו דדי בתוליה וישפכו תזנותם עליה: לכן נתתיה ביד מאהביה ביד בני אשור אשר עגבה עליהם: המה גלו ערותה בניה ובנותיה לקחו ואותה בחרב הרגו ותהי שם לנשים ושפוטים עשו בה

Then Oholah played the harlot under Me, and she lusted for her lovers, for the Assyrians, who were nearby. Attired in blue, governors and officers, all of them handsome youths, horsemen, riding on horses. And she bestowed her harlotries upon them, the choice of the sons of Assyria, all of them; and in all that she lusted, she was defiled with all their idols. And her harlotries from Egypt she did not abandon, for they had lain with her in her youth, and they had squeezed her virgin breasts and poured out their harlotry upon her.

Therefore, I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of Assyria, for whom she lusted. They uncovered her nakedness; they took her sons and daughters, and they slew her with the sword, and she became a name for the women [a curse and disgrace], and they executed judments upon her.

The chapter continues with a similar harsh rebuke for the other tribes of Israel, referred to allegorically as Oholivah, failing to learn from her sister's misdeeds and punishment. On the contrary, she lusted even more than her sister, after the children of Babylon. As a result, Hashem became disgusted with them, and decreed that her lovers, the Assyrians and Babylonians, would come upon them with harsh judgments. This would abolish their lewdness and harlotry.

The reader is encouraged to study the entire chapter.

Yeshaya 10:5

הוי אשור שבט אפי ומטה הוא בידם זעמי

Woe that Assyria ia the rod of My wrath, and My fury is a staff in their hand.

This is one of many pesukim in Tanach informing us that Hashem uses other nations as a stick of punishment, but they have no independent source of strength or ability to harm us without a decree from Heaven. It is Hashem's fury, brought about by our sins, that gives the stick the power to harm us. Hence, our focus should be not on dealing with the stick, but with the sins.

This is further illustrated in the next source, a few pesukim later, which is a rebuke to Assyria for believing itself the source of its own power. Therefore, Assyria too would be put in its place.

Yeshaya 10:15

היתפאר הגרזן על החצב בו אם יתגדל המשור על מניפו כהניף שבט ואת מרימיו כהרים מטה לא עץ

Shall the axe boast over the one who hews with it, or shall the saw hold itself greater than he who wields it? It is as though the rod wields those who raise it. When the staff is raised, it is not the wood [Rashi: is it not the wood that raises it, but the man who raises it].

Yeshaya 10:20

והיה ביום ההוא לא יוסיף עוד שאר ישראל ופליטת בית יעקב להשען על מכהו ונשען על יהוה קדוש ישראל באמת

And it will be on that day that the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob shall not continue to lean on the one who smote them [Egypt], but he shall lean on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

This is an ancient illustration of Stockholm Syndrome, as the Jews relied on the very people who were their adversaries for support and protection. Furthermore, reliance on foreign nations, even with lip service paid to the idea that “everything comes from Hashem”, is exposed by the prophet at not leaning on Hashem in truth. This sort of hishtadlus is in fact a betrayal against Hashem, a desecration of His name as the protector of Israel, and not at all in line with proper physical efforts.

Yeshaya 9:8-12

וידעו העם כלו אפרים ויושב שמרון בגאוה ובגדל לבב לאמר: לבנים נפלו וגזית נבנה שקמים גדעו וארזים נחליף: וישגב יהוה את צרי רצין עליו ואת איביו יסכסך: ארם מקדם ופלשתים מאחור ויאכלו את ישראל בכל פה בכל זאת לא שב אפו ועוד ידו נטויה: והעם לא שב עד המכהו ואת יהוה צבאות לא דרשו

And the entire people shall know — Ephraim and the dwellers of Samaria — [the fallacy of what they spoke] with haughtiness and with arrogance, saying,”Bricks have fallen, so we will build hewn stones; sycamores have been cut down, so we will replace them with cedars. And the Lord strengthened the adversaries of Rezin over him, and He shall incite his enemies. Aram from the east and the Philistines from the west, and they devoured Israel with every mouth; despite all this, His anger has not turned away, and His hand is still outstretched. And the people have not returned to the One Who smites it, and the Lord of Hosts they have not sought.

The commentaries explain that the Jews arrogantly responded to the fall of their previous king to Assyria that they would simply crown an even stronger leader, who would restore all that they had lost, if not more.

Today the Jews in Israel respond to losses and failures with calls for a tougher Prime Minister to lead them into war. In their warped winds, that's the solution. According to the Torah, this attitude only further angers Hashem, causes Him to further strengthen our enemies, and brings even greater destruction upon us, G-D forbid.

The proper response — the only proper response — is to recognize that the enemies are not the ones actually smiting us. They are merely sticks of punishment carrying out the decree of Hashem as a result of our sins. Hence, instead of focusing on the stick, we must seek the One who holds it — Hashem.

Of course, the enemies can and will be punished for their atrocities, for they commit them of their own free will, with evil intentions. However, if we merely double down on a military response, with lip service at most toward the true source of our troubles, we will only continue to be dealt harsh lessons, G-D forbid, until we finally learn.

Mishlei 11:14

באין תחבלות יפל עם ותשועה ברב יועץ

Without strategy the people fall, but with many counselors there is victory.

Rashi explains:

כשהצרה באה על ישראל ואינן נותנין לב להבין להתענות ולעשות תשובה יפול עם

When the trouble comes upon Israel and they do not put their heart to understand, to fast, and to repent, the people will fall.

Yeshaya 22:7-11

ויהי מבחר עמקיך מלאו רכב והפרשים שת שתו השערה: ויגל את מסך יהודה ותבט ביום ההוא אל נשק בית היער: ואת בקיעי עיר דוד ראיתם כי רבו ותקבצו את מי הברכה התחתונה: ואת בתי ירושלם ספרתם ותתצו הבתים לבצר החומה: ומקוה עשיתם בין החמתים למי הברכה הישנה ולא הבטתם אל עשיה ויצרה מרחוק לא ראיתם

And it came to pass that the choicest of your valleys were filled with chariots and the riders laid [siege] to the gate. And he bared the covering of Judah, and you looked on that day to the weapons of the house of the forest. And you saw that cracks of the city of David have increased, and you gathered the water of the lower pool. And you counted the houses of Jerusalem, and you demolished the houses to fortify the wall. And you made a ditch between the two walls and the water of the old pool, but you did not look to its Maker, and Him Who fashioned it from afar you did not see.

This prophecy foretells the coming destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, and that even at the very end the Jews would still be turning to weapons and desperate defensive measures, instead of truly turning to Hashem.

Yeshaya 30:15-16

כי כה אמר אדני יהוה קדוש ישראל בשובה ונחת תושעון בהשקט ובבטחה תהיה גבורתכם ולא אביתם: ותאמרו לא כי על סוס ננוס על כן תנוסון ועל קל נרכב על כן יקלו רדפיכם

For so said the Lord G-D, the Holy One of Israel: “With tranquility and restfulness you shall be saved, with quietude and trust shall be your might, but you did not want. And you said, 'No, but on horses we will ride swiftly [or flee].' Therefore, you shall flee. 'And on swift [steeds] we will ride.' Therefore your pursuers shall be swift.”

Hashem urged the Jews to follow the ways of the Torah and trust in Him, and not turn to Egypt for horses and support, in which case they would be saved with ease and tranquility. Unfortunately, the Jews put their trust in foreign support and their own wiles, and would have to learn the hard way.

Yirmiya 2:36-37

מה תזלי מאד לשנות את דרכך גם ממצרים תבושי כאשר בשת מאשור: גם מאת זה תצאי וידיך על ראשך כי מאס יהוה במבטחיך ולא תצליחי להם

How you degrade yourself exceedingly to change your way [Rashi: by abandoning Hashem and relying on Egypt for aid]! You shall also be ashamed through Egypt as you were ashamed through Assyria. Also from this one shall you go out with your hands on your head, for the Lord has despised those whom you trust, and you shall not prosper through them.

The Jewish people tried the same experiment turning to Egypt for aid that they previously tried with Assyria, and expected different results.

Yirmiya 46:25

אמר יהוה צבאות אלהי ישראל הנני פוקד אל אמון מנא ועל פרעה ועל מצרים ועל אלהיה ועל מלכיה ועל פרעה ועל הבטחים בו: ונתתים ביד מבקשי נפשם וביד נבוכדראצר מלך בבל וביד עבדיו ואחרי כן תשכן כימי קדם נאם יהוה

The Lord of Hosts, the G-D of Israel has said: Behold, I will visit upon Amon of No and upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt, and upon their G-Ds and upon their kings, both upon Pharaoh and upon those who put their trust in him. And I will deliver them into the hand of those who seek their lives and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants — and after that it will be inhabited again as in the days of old, says the Lord.

Hashem punished Egypt for betraying those who had treaties with them and failing to assist them. But Hashem also punished those who put their trust in Egypt and its leaders with being betrayed and falling into the hands of their enemies.

Nachum 3:4

מרב זנוני זונה טובת חן בעלת כשפים המכרת גוים בזנוניה ומשפחות בכשפיה

Because of the many harlotries of the harlot, charming and enchanting, who delivers nations with her harlotries, and families with her enchantments.

As Rashi explains:

מרוב חנופות עיר שהיו יודעים לפתות לב מלכי הארץ להתחבר עמם וסוף היו כובשים אותם תחתיהם

Because of the extensive flattery of the city, for they knew how to seduce the kings of the earth to join them, and they would eventually subordinate [these kings] to them.

Assyria used artifice to make treaties with other nations in order to eventually subjugate them under their rule.

Metzudas David echos this explanation and adds:

כי כן היה דרך אשור לפתות את העכו״ם בדברי חנוף להתחבר עמה וגלו להם מסתורם ואח״ז נלחמו בהם ויכלו להם והרבו להרוג ולאבד מבלי מצוא מנוס

This was the way of Assyria, to seduce the idolatrous nations with words of flattery to unite with her, and they would reveal their secrets to them, and afterward they would wage war with them, and they were able to defeat them and kill them in great numbers and destroy without them finding any means of escape.

The people of Israel were far from alone in falling into this trap. Nevertheless, the prophets are delivering these messages to us. Our ancestors fell for anyone and everyone who professed their love for them, and our people continue to fall for it today.

Nachum 3:19

אין כהה לשברך נחלה מכתך כל שמעי שמעך תקעו כף עליך כי על מי לא עברה רעתך תמיד

No one is pained over your destruction; your wound is grievous; all who hear your report clap hands over you, for upon whom did your harm not pass constantly?

When the nations who exploit those who trust in them receive their comeuppance, their many victims will not mourn their downfall; they will rejoice with a sigh of relief.

The words of our prophets are consistent and abundantly clear. Let us finally listen.

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