We will visit Chevron as you have not experienced before.
An in-depth tour of the Maarat Hamachpela on FEBRUARY 18.
Visit the tombs of Yishai and Ruth above the excavated remains of Chevron of Avraham Avinu.
Visit the renewed old Jewish neighborhood with the rebuilt famous Avraham Avinu shul
Visit the most extensive Chevron museum, in the historic "Bet Hadassah " compound, including a multimedia, kinetic presentation.
Visit a recently redeemed property; witness the expansion of Jewish presence in the old Jewish areas and meet the pioneers who are writing our history today.
Visit a hilltop farm in the Chevron Hills and meet the pioneers preserving Eretz Yisrael for Am Yisrael.
We will have a delicious dairy lunch together at the very popular "Cafe Ronel"
The cafe sits atop a hill offering an exquisite view of the Chevron HillsThe owners are "gere tzedek" from Holland and, If we are lucky they will share with us the dramatic personal story of their path to Hashem and Am Yisrael. (and the hill upon which they live )
Harav Moshe Cohen, Rav of the Har Chevron district issues the mehadrin hechsher
Our bus will depart at 8:30 from the Inbal hotel and return approx. 5:00.
300 shekels including lunch and all entrance fees.
Please reserve (and commit) early.
On our last tour, I had to turn late registrants away
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