09 December 2024

TAMAR YONAH: Syria Has Fallen, Is Jordan Next?

On this show: 
 How did it happen, that in less than 2 weeks, Assad’s Syria has fallen? 
Who are the players? 
And what is Turkey’s agenda? 
*What about Syria’s chemical weapons? 
Also, who will be next to fall? -Think Jordan, Iran and **possibly ***more! 

 Tamar speaks with Mudar Zahran, a Jordanian Arab and the head of Jordan’s Opposition Coalition. You can find him on twitter @mudar_Zahran

*Israel IDF now has control over the Southern area supplies of Assaf's Chemical Weapons.

**We heard about the non historical area called 'Jordan' THAT REALLY BELONGS TO ERETZ YISRAEL!

*** IRAQ is up for grabs! AND CHINA IS IN THE WAY!

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