23 December 2024

Not a Jewish Idea – End the Antinomian iInfiltration of our Communities

Antinomy:  noun as in opposition

One who denies the fixed meaning or universal applicability of moral law.

AND  antinomians, pl. of antinomus, opposed to the moral law : Greek anti-, anti- + Greek nomos, law;  

AND  Opposed to or denying the fixed meaning or universal applicability of moral law: "By raising segregation and racial persecution to the ethical level of law, it puts into practice the antinomian rules of Orwell's world. Evil becomes good, inhumanity is interpreted as charity, egoism as compassion" (Elie Wiesel).

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Rabbi Green says:  Please understand:

I'm not suggesting that every celebrity or influencer who makes the pagan one-eye signal is necessarily an antinomian pagan himself or herself. Nor do I accuse the decision makers at,, JCM, et al (i.e. Jewish institutions that feature antinomian pagan signals) of malicious or polytheistic intention.

Rather, I suspect that these individuals are compromised by loyalties to secret societies that require their signaling. My suspicion is that they were pressured to join the ranks of a secret fraternity to advance their career, or to gain access to funds with which to expand their institution or its scope of influence.

Perhaps at that time, they were misled into thinking that the secret rituals and signals of these societies were benign. As they advanced the ranks of the society, they were required to signal their loyalty yet not betray the secrecy.

At some point, they crossed a line of no return. Admitting their membership in the secret society or publicly disassociating from it would effectively end their career or worse. Perhaps doing so would put their loved ones at risk.

If my suspicions are correct, then we should truly pity these individuals. They are suffering souls trapped in an antinomian cult from which there is no escape.

And if that's indeed the case, that would explain why they are incapable of acknowledging or disavowing the pagan signal.

My intent in posting these images is not to bring shame on these unfortunate individuals, nor do I seek to endanger their lives or careers by pressuring them to renounce the secret society or its antinomian rituals. After attempting to communicate with numerous such individuals, I acknowledge that exposing their secret loyalties will not help them break free from its chokehold.

Rather, my intent is to expose the occult signalling in order to warn others. By drawing attention to this tragic reality, we can try to prevent other aspiring celebrities, influencers, or institution heads from comprising themselves with unholy loyalties.

By publicizing the bizarre images, my message is simple:

Don't sell your soul to secret societies. Don't compromise your institution to its unholy clutches.

Don't sell our communities to antinomian infiltration.

Let's get back to basics:

The definition of a Jew (yehudi) is one who rejects idolatry in all its forms [Megila 13a].

If you are a Jew, you may not profess loyalty to anyone other than G-d Almighty. The only rituals allowed are those prescribed by His Torah. Occult signaling is inherently un-Jewish.

Fellow Jews! We need to raise awareness of this scourge. It's time to free our communities from institutions that have been compromised by secret loyalties to antinomian cults.

In a world where conspiracies are no longer mere theory, we cannot afford to allow our communities to be associated with secret societies of any kind.

Millions of truth-seekers around the world distrustful of mainstream narratives are watching us with scrutiny.

When our publications feature pagan signals or icons, it is assumed that orthodox Jews are part of a worldwide globalist conspiracy to subvert human civilization. I know this sounds absurd, but I assure you that it is very serious.

Instead of dismissing my protests as fringe or eccentric, I implore you to consider that there's a growing population of so-called “conspiracy theorists,” or perhaps the right term is conspiracy realists, outside of your mainstream bubble.

Jews peddling pagan signals constitutes a grave chilul Hashem b'rabim, a public desecration of God's Name. It makes no difference if the mainstream or majority is indifferent or oblivious.

It's time to heed the Torah's timeless command: “Remove the idolatry from your midst” [Genesis 35:2].

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