18 December 2024

Ponevezh Yeshiva .....again

would anyone say this is why Mashiach has not yet shown himself?? why is there a history to their infighting?

Uproar over burial of Jerusalem Faction leader

Serious dispute taking place in the Ponevezh Yeshiva, regarding where Rabbi Asher Deutsch will be buried, as his students arrive at the Rabbi's section in the yeshiva cemetery and begin to dig a grave.

The family and students of Rabbi Asher Deutsch, leader of the Bnei Torah movement (Peleg Yerushalmi) and a prominent rabbi of the Ponevezh Yeshiva who passed away this morning, are requesting to bury him in the Ponevezh cemetery, where the rabbis of the yeshiva are interred.

Rabbi Deutsch served as a rabbi at the Ponevezh Yeshiva in the ‘terrorist’ faction, while the cemetery is managed by the ‘haters’ faction.

A battle is taking place behind-the-scenes between the rival parties regarding where the rabbi will be buried, as his students arrived this evening at the rabbi's section in the Ponevezh cemetery and began to dig a grave.

In recent weeks, Rabbi Deutsch had been hospitalized in very serious condition at the Ma'ayanai Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, but despite the dedicated care of the medical staff, his condition continued to deteriorate.

Rabbi Deutsch assumed his role as the leader of the Peleg Yerushalmi faction in 2018, following the passing of its founder, Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, of blessed memory. Under his leadership, the faction continued its principled struggle against the drafting of yeshiva students into the IDF, opposing even reporting to recruitment offices for an exemption.

This struggle was manifested in forceful protests and road blockades, particularly in the arrest of yeshiva students who refused to report to the recruitment offices. The faction, under his leadership, adopted a resolute stance against cooperation with state authorities on the issue of conscription, while sharply criticizing the Haredi representatives in the Knesset.

During the last months of his life, Rabbi Deutsch expressed strong opposition to attempts to promote compromises regarding the conscription of yeshiva students, and voiced his disapproval of calls for the conscription of young men who are not studying in yeshiva.

Grandmother of wounded soldier attacked by haredi protesters | 'Pains me to see this'

Yocheved, whose grandson was wounded twice in Gaza and is currently recovering, spoke her mind to haredi anti-draft protesters who threw water and spat at her.

Yocheved Djerbi, whose grandson was wounded in battle twice, walked passed a demonstration against haredi conscription in Jerusalem on Wednesday and was assaulted by protesters.

Djerbi was appalled by the protesters' behavior and shared with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News: "My grandson was wounded twice and is currently in rehab after being seriously wounded, and I walk past by on the street and see these haredi protesters. They have no share in our country."

She added: "They must enlist and carry the yoke like all of the grandchildren, children, and the entire nation of Israel. As I walk by, they throw water and spit at me as I tell them that they have no share or part in the State of Israel."

In conclusion, she stated: "My demands are that everyone must bear the yoke of the entire nation. I am shaking, unfortunately. It pains me to see this situation."

During the demonstration, a passerby violently attacked one of the protesters. He shouted at the protesters: "Your protection doesn't work." One of the protesters answered him: "What do you have in your state if you don't believe in the Torah? You nut."

Another protester who joined the verbal fray tried to understand what the argument was about and the passerby punched him in the face. The police announced that it was investigating the incident.

The demonstration was held after the IDF had issued draft notices to dozens of haredim to report for processing at the draft office in Jerusalem Wednesday. The protesters clashed with police in an attempt to break through the barricades surrounding the building and also blocked the streetcar tracks on Jaffa Street near the recruitment office. 


Maoz said...

Re Haredi/draft issues: if 'Am Yisrael will be straight with HaShem, we won't need a large army.

If we're *not* straight with HaShem, having the largest army in the world wouldn't help us.

IIRC, it was Gid'on who was commanded by HaShem to wage war on Midian. Something like 32,000 answered Gid'on's Tsav 8. HaShem said, "Too many. People will think it's their own prowess that brought them victory. They need to realize Israel's victory comes from Me." So he released over two-thirds, and kept just 10,000. HaShem said, "Still too many." Eventually it was whittled down to 300 -- less than a tenth of the original call-up.

We need to learn from our holy nevi'im.

Neshama said...

Thank you so much. I learned that but didn’t think of it as a good response to this and many other discussions.

Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap on the Land of Eretz Yisrael