09 December 2024

Shalom Pollack: DECEMBER 18 and 31 **UPDATED TOURS **

Wednesday, December 18
A special "hilltop" visit, plus

We will begin our day in the Shomron (Benjamin Region) where we will have a double exciting experience.
First, we will visit young pioneers at the newly established hilltop community of "Sede Yonatan".
There, we will have the opportunity to hear Elisha Yered, the indomitable leader of the pioneering "outpost movement" standing in the way of a "Palestinian state" thus bringing down the ire of the "international community".
 He will update us on the fluid geo-political situation in Judea and Samaria, as the country's security, judicial, and political establishments are locked in battle shaping the future of Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael.

Visit to Gesher- Naharayim"
  We will then continue to another part of our land. Kibbutz Gesher lies near the historic "Naharayim" where the beautiful Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers meet in the Jordan Valley.
We will have a guided tour of the area including dramatic presentations of the pre and post-1948 events that helped shape Israel's history.

 Pinchas Rotenberg, (Began his life as a revolutionary in Czarist Russia, then chose a new path and helped found the "Jewish Brigade" during WW I   and then helped found the "Haganah". 
As a hydroelectric engineer, he built the first hydroelectric plant in the Middle East where the Jordan and Yarmuk rivers meet( seen today), thus boosting the young Jewish community's road to self-reliance and statehood.
In the 1948 War of Independence, at his spot, the beleaguered kibbutz repelled hordes of invaders thus establishing the post-war border and itself as a national legend. 

We shall be treated to a multimedia experience bringing these events to life. 

Depart from the Inbal Hotel at 8:30 am and return around 5:00 pm
Cost: 250 shekels bring lunch

Tuesday, December 31
We are invited into the home of the legendary Ezra Yakin, Israel's oldest warrior.
This 97-year-old firebrand decided upon the path of defender of his people as a teen in Jerusalem when he joined the "Lechi" underground to fight the British occupation. Taking part in all of Israel's wars. his passion has not diminished until today as he is the oldest member of the IDF. an active soldier in the current war.
We will have the unique and historic honor of meeting this giant among us and hearing his message for the Jewish people and posterity.

After our visit, we will continue to the old city where we will visit the "Plugot  Hakotel Museum" in the Jewish Quarter. This new museum tells the story of the "Betar youth". who dedicated their lives to protecting Jewish life and honor in old Jerusalem during the British occupation. They are famously known for their daring escapades vis a vis the British authorities. Typically, bowing to Arab demands, the British forbade blowing the shofar at the end of Yom Kippur prayers. Annually, all eyes were set on the Western Wall to see if this year the might of Great Britain would prevail against the determined young defenders of Jewish honor.

The story of these selfless young Jewish idealists is told in a new, dramatic multimedia presentation 
We shall meet our bus at the Inbal hotel at 9:00 and return from the old city using public transport between 3:00 and 4:00

Lunch will be at your favorite eatery in the Jewish quarter.

cost 200 shekels

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