04 March 2024

Save The Earthlings

 Globe or disk, Earth's inhabitants are endangered

It's okay if you think the Earth is flat and I think it's a sphere. It's ok if your earth is spinning at a 1,000 mph and mine is stationary. We can still be friends. We can respectfully agree to disagree.

The main thing is: we must stand together to resist global tyranny around the globe, or worldwide tyranny across the map, if you prefer. Whatever floats your boat (& irrespective of whether your boat disappears behind curvature or fades out of view on your horizontal horizon).

We must join together from all four corners of the earth, be it plane or sphere, and reject all this fear.

Don't get derailed by globies or flatties who sow disc discord or pole polemics. Don't get distracted by moon missions, real or imagined. We cannot afford to get polarized by polaris, ice walls, or icy indifference.

It makes no difference whether earth is flat, spherical, cubical, elliptical or cylindrical. I don't care if you call it earth, terra, gaia, or eretz. 

The predator class is trying to eradicate us from it.

Let's not waste precious energy fighting over its shape, or whether it's encompassed by space or firmament, in a universe that's heliocentric or geocentric, or in a metaverse that's eccentric.

None of that really matters in the here and now. We humans are under attack. We must fight for our survival. 

We must rectify the earth — regardless of whether it's a flat disc or round globe — and purge it from predatory sociopaths.

The earth will thank us, and so will all its inhabitants.


A family member has created an Instagram group sharing videos from our homestead.
You're welcome to join it:

"R' G: Disclaimer:
I'm not an Instagram subscriber so I have not seen it nor can I vouch for its content. It's a private account so you'll have to request to join.

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