10 March 2024

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak: “If They Force Bochurim To Enlist, We’ll Leave The Country”


Israel’s Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef delivered a sharp message to the country’s political leadership on Motzei Shabbos regarding the public debate on drafting yeshivah bochurim.

The Rav’s statements were made on the background of the Supreme Court’s decision to force the government to explain why Chareidim shouldn’t be drafted to the IDF and the resulting political debate on the matter.

Speaking at his weekly shiur, the Rav said: “Shevet Levi is exempt from the army – they won’t take them no matter what happens. If they force us to enlist – we’ll buy tickets and all travel abroad.”

“They need to understand this – the secular people who don’t understand. They need to understand that without Torah, without kollelim, without yeshivos – the army wouldn’t be successful. The army is only successful in the zechus of Bnei Torah, the soldiers are successful in the zechus of Bnei Torah.”

“Rabbosai, everyone needs to say this with pride – ‘ויגבה לבו בדרכי ה’ – yes, we’re oisek b’Torah, the Torah is what protects us.”

Last week,  HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman said that “we won’t agree to anything regarding the recruitment of bnei yeshivos. And nothing will help them! No one is the ba’al habayis to be mevateir on the Torah – nothing will help them. And Hakadosh Baruch Hu will have mercy on us.



Neshama said...

I'd like to know just where would the Bochurim go if they left Eretz Yisrael?
There is NO PLACE SAFE ON EARTH; only Eretz Yisrael!

Anonymous said...

YASHER KOACH TO HaRav Yizchak Yosef & to all the real Rabbanim who side with him.
Also, Neshama, no matter where they would go (of course, that will not have to be),
Hashem goes with them! The ones who lose are the wicked who rule against Hashem.

האי said...


Gavriela Dvorah said...

It was a ridiculous statement. Firstly, the medinat doesn't intend to raid all the yeshivot and round up all bochorim and take them to the enlist offices. They could never handle the number. And what are they going to do with these boys who barely exercise? It was also an unfortunate statement because it expressed a sentiment that the Land of Israel is not important to them, which is why Shas could vote to evict 50,000 Jews from their homes. I understand the reasons why they do not want to enlist. The IDF will need to make significant changes. This war, from I have heard, has already brought about significant change in attitude. Top brass, non-believers they profess to be, have begged from us to daven, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for their safety. There are little shteiblachs all over Aza. The soldiers themselves have not abandoned their Torah and many have done teshuva. I believe that the more religious soldiers who serve, the more religious the IDF will be. However, it's a gradual process. On the other hand, we are facing a future of wars, one like to start soon in the north and the last one to start once Persia decides to finally actualize it's vision for the Jews of Israel. The current enlistment is not enough. Reservists can't say in the field indefinitely, they need a break, plus they are the backbone of our economy. Regular soldiers also need breaks. So, there has to be some compromise. He could have said anything, like "we will not enlist, we will allow ourselves to be arrested, we will riot, go on strike" whatever. But to say they will all leave, this was a grave mistake, in my opinion.

Neshama said...

Now that was a mouthful straight from your heart!

You’ve got a few points there. Anyway where would they go! Italy, Germany, France, Azerbaijan, Edomerica?

Neshama said...

We need some Torah on this. Maybe Chananya will way in on this??

Neshama said...

Anon, don’t think so. The Shechina left Edomerica!, the Jews there are on their own.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

It's all a distraction and causes unnecessary divisiveness, I think that's the Torah. Moshe Rabbeinu admonished those tribes that wanted to settle on the other side of the Jordan and not join their brothers in the fight to settle the land. Hashem was not fighting the battle for us. That was the original plan, Anon, but because of cheit egel and the sin of spies, we lost that. We had to fight the nations in Canaan ourselves, with, of course, Hashem's help. But it was not a walk in the park. Those tribes were admonished for seeming to, once again, after 40 years! reject the Land. This war, and the wars yet to come, are to finish the original coming into the land that we never completed. These are not voluntary wars, they are wars for our land, for our lives. In the north, they want to take the land all the way to the Galil. The fakestinians want to take the south, including all of Judea and Shomron and Yerushalayim. It's the same battle for settling our land and finally living in peace and security. And, Anon, Hashem is everywhere, He cannot be contained. What, you suggest that Hashem will disappear from the Land that He promised to Avraham and Yitzhak and Yaacov? What, you say that we who stay here are reshayim? Chutzpa!

האיש said...


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