04 December 2023

WAR & TERROR: These Are The Eitzos Of HaGaon HaRav Landau ... plus


In a rare letter published on Friday, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau wrote eitzos regarding what to be mechazeik in light of the difficult situation in Eretz Yisrael and the world.

“We don’t know the cheshbonos of Shamayim but every chizzuk in Bein Adam L’Chaveiro is pleasing to Hashem,” HaRav Landau wrote.

And especially the virtue of being mevateir to others. Each person in every situation should grasp the midah of vitur which awakens Rachamei Shamayim, and even more so when a person is mevateir on something that he believes is justifiably his.”

“One should also be careful in hilchos Shabbos which pose many obstacles, even malachos d’Oyraisa, and try to to learn halachos regarding common issues and consult a Talmid Chacham on little-known details.”

HaRav Landau ended his letter with brachos that Hashem should save Klal Yisrael from all tzaros.


HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Is Mattir Agunos 

From October 7th Massacre

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