29 December 2023

Rabbi Weissman - UPDATE NEW INFO: Exile Mentality, Failed Messiah, and the End of Days

To encourage mass aliya and Tanach study, I am giving away copies of my sefer Go Up Like a Wall at no cost, and need help distributing them in more locations. If you can pick up copies from Jerusalem in the coming days please contact me. 

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What did Chazal say about Jews who choose to live in galus and be buried in Israel?

Why did Hashem prevent Yaacov from revealing the end of days, and what implication does this have for Jews who get all cozy in Galus?

How did Yaacov know that a great Jewish leader who fought Israel's wars couldn't possibly be Moshiach?  Funny how people who desperately cling to a yesh omrim in Rashi and contort the words of the Rambam are oblivious to this source, and won't allow it to disturb their fantasy...

What does the Angel of Death have to say about people who feel safer running to "safe rooms" and otherwise play actuary?

These questions and more are addressed in this week's Torah class, which you can find here

The link to join the classes live is here.


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VIDEO:  R&B Torah Fellowship #87 — Exile Mentality, Failed Messiahs, and the End of Days

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