12 December 2023

Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l – TorasAvigdor on Vayeshev and Chanukah (Part3 of 3)

Part III. The Miracle of Emunah

Flame of Emunah

And so we understand now what the menorah’s light is telling us. When you

light the flame of Chanukah what is it saying? It's saying one word that is the

secret of our success: It’s emunah. The Chanukah light is the light of emunah.

Now, emunah is understood by the world as ‘believing’, but that's not the real

meaning of the word. To believe, you have to know, is a secondary meaning of the

word. The original and primary meaning of emunah means ‘steadfast’; to continue

without any change.

When it states that Moshe Rabbeinu had to raise his hands up – during the

war against Amalek his hands were weary so they put two stones under his arms

to keep them up. וַיְהִייָדָיואֱמוּנָהעַדבֹּאהַשָּֽׁמֶשׁ– And his hands were emunah until

sundown (Shmos 17:12).

His hands were believing? Hands can’t believe. וַיְהִייָדָיואֱמונָּהmeans his hands

were steadfast. He didn’t take down his hands. They didn't move from their place.

That's the meaning. It has nothing to do with believing. His hands didn’t weaken;

they didn’t falter.

Stubborn Loyalty

That’s a whole new understanding of what emunah means. A person who

once heard and he understood why you have to be a good Jew, it's not enough 

Yes, he believes. He's convinced. But a person can yield his loyalty. All kinds of

things turn up in life that might make him hesitate or weaken.

Emunah means that once you know the truth then you have to be stubborn

in your loyalty to hold onto that truth. Not to be frightened off or to be tempted,

to be bribed. New fads, new ideas and ideals, new ways, ‘better’ ways, mean

nothing to the man of emunah. He’s going to remain loyal to the principles of the

Torah no matter what.

Even if you don’t know much, but the middah of loyalty says you won’t budge.

Let’s say you’re an ‘ignoramus’. You never went to college. You never read a book.

All you know is nothing but Shas. You know no science at all. You never studied

geology, you never studied biology, you don’t know anything. And here somebody

comes and tells you, “Look, there are fossils and the fossils are so many millions of

years old and they’re arranged one on top of the other in such a sequence that it

proves conclusively that one animal developed into another animal and evolution

is a proven fact and you people are going against the most open evidence. Even

the Department of Education of New York State says so!”

Ignorant Loyalists

Now, you’re not schooled in these things. You don’t know how to answer.

What are you expected to do? You’re expected to say, “They can bring all the

evidence in the world. When I was at Har Sinai, I gave my promise to my beloved

One. I said ‘na’aseh v’nishma’ and nothing in the world will ever cause me to budge

from my promise. I gave my word. I promised with all the fire of which I am capable

and I’m going to stick to that through thick and thin. If you’ll skin me alive, that’s

what I’m going to hold onto till the end of my life.”

That’s what it means to be a Jew. To be a Jew doesn’t mean that you’re a

scientist and you can answer. We can answer by the way. We can make monkeys

out of the people who think they came from monkeys. We can expose it as one of

the most vicious hoaxes that ever appeared in history. There is material without

end to show how false, how malicious, how schemingly planned the hoax of

evolution and geology is arranged. The whole thing!

I’d love to speak about this – not tonight – to ridicule them, to show what

fakers they are, what criminal frauds they are. I’ll quote from their own books that

the admission of their weakness is so widespread in every field of biology, in every

field of geology, one contradicts the other and they admit their weaknesses and

it’s nothing but wishful thinking. Ridiculous lies!

But suppose you don’t know anything. Suppose you don’t know what to say.

It makes no difference! You have to say, “Emunah.” Emunah means not ‘belief’.

Emunah means loyalty. That’s the meaning of the word.

Standing Strong

We are always ne’eman no matter what. Come against us with your culture.

Come against us with new attitudes. Come with all of your blandishments. We’re

not interested. We already gave our word and we are loyal to Him forever.

And even if you come with your armies, no matter; we already gave our word.

That’s what the Chashmonaim said. When they saw that the Syrians-Greeks with

their powerful army and their wealthy government were undertaking a gezeiras

hashmad against us, Matisyahu told the people, “Forget about that! There is no

such thing as extinguishing the fire that burns in our hearts.”

And he rekindled in the hearts of the people that light of steadfastness,

ne’emanus, not to yield. We are always ne’eman no matter what! You’ll chase us

into caves? So be it. You’ll light fires at the cave entrances and smoke us out? We

still won’t yield. And therefore when Mattisyahu raised his sword it was a sword of

emunah. That's the foundation of the entire story of Chanukah, the middah of


Guarding the Loyal

And that’s why they eventually won their battles. They won battles on the

battlefield not because of special fighting tactics. No; they won battles because of

the fires they lit in their hearts. אֱמוּנִיםנֹצֵרה†' – Hashem guards the loyal ones

(Tehillim 31:24). Because they have the middah of ne’emanus, Hashem has a special

protection for them.

Loyalty is a middah that Hakadosh Baruch Hu prizes. עֵינַיבְּנֶאֶמְנֵיאֶרֶץ– His eyes

are watching over His loyal ones (ibid. 101:6). And when it's done by the entire

nation – by a majority at least – when everybody is loyal to Hakadosh Baruch Hu,

so you can have a nes Chanukah.

Now this is a very important lesson for us. We baruch Hashem don’t have that

today – we’re not running away into the mountains to do mitzvos – but we need

that same emunah. We have to be very careful. On all sides we have ideas and

minhagim of the people around us. Modern Orthodox are changing. They're

dropping some frum practices, adopting some gentile ideas. Little by little the

modern Orthodox are changing. I say modern Orthodox – today even the good

ones, the best, the frummest, are weakening before Western culture, before the

attitudes and ideals of the outside world.

So Chanukah comes and tells us that we have to be ultra-frum; ultra-frum

means we won't change. We refuse to change because our stubborn loyalty won’t

allow us to yield at all.

Tradition, Tradition!

Not only minhagim; that’s easier already. You have to set yourself free from

the darkness of the world around you. You have to let loose from the media.

There’s no in-between. You have to do whatever you can to be loyal, to not yield

at all to the ideas outside. Only Torah ideas. Only Torah ideals. Otherwise, you

have the goy living in your head. And you can’t be a successful person if you have

a goy in your head – it doesn’t matter, a Greek goy, an American goy, an Israeli goy;

whatever it is, it’s not a loyal head.

In dress too. Why should you yield? I saw a Jew, a Williamsburger Jew on

Kings Highway. He has to do business here. He has a kapote. He has peyos. He's

walking like he's in his shtetl at home. He's doing business with all kinds of people.

He goes in stores and he’s trying to sell them merchandise. He's not embarrassed.

The world belongs to him. You see this man doesn't have any chashash, any fear at

all of inferiority. That's a ne’eman. That man is loyal.

Loyal Forever

That’s what the Chanukah light says: Be loyal! Love your G-d. You promised

once. We promised and therefore we’re going to keep our promise through thick 

and thin. That’s what it says at the end of Shir HaShirim, מַיִםרַבִּיםלאֹיוּכְלוּלְכַבּוֹתאֶת

האַָהֲבהָ– many waters will never be able to quench that love, ונּהְָרותֹלאֹישְִׁטְפוהָּ– and

rivers will not sweep it away (Shir Hashirim 8:7). That’s what we say to the outside

world: “Try all you want but you won’t be able to put out that fire that we kindled

on Chanukah.”

Some will drop off, yes. Many have fallen by the wayside. They yielded to

various kinds of temptation. It’s the truth; some have weakened in their loyalty. A

tragedy, a tragedy. There always will be some stragglers, but through thick and

thin the Jewish nation will cling to the promise they made at Sinai until the end of


And that's going to be the clarion call of the geulah. Like it says in Yeshaya,

פתִּחְושְׁערָיִם– Open up the gates. Who will come in? וְיָבֹאגוֹיצַדִּיקשֹׁמֵראֱמֻנִים– The

righteous nation who guarded their loyalty (26:2). The time will come when the

gates of Eretz Yisroel will open up and the Jewish nation will come again back to

their homeland. Why? Because they're שׁמֵֹראמֱֻניִם, they guarded their loyalty.

Those Jews who yielded, who fell by the wayside, no. They fell in love with

American civilization or with British civilization and they gave their children to

the colleges instead of the yeshivos, no that’s not loyalty. And even the frummeh

who weaken and yield and vacillate, no, that’s not emunim. But those Jews who

learned the lesson of the Chanukah flame, the flame of loyalty, and remained

faithful to their principles, to Hashem; they're the ones who will come back again

and be with Him forever.

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