06 December 2023

Rebbetzin Tziporah

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Beautiful:  "Karliner Rebbe visits seriously wounded soldier in hospital and they sing together"

Karlin Grand Rabbi and popular Israeli singer Yitzchak Meir sing with soldier Mordechai Shenvald, who was seriously wounded in the war. To hear the video, please visit:

The Karlin Grand Rebbe, together with singer Yitzhak Meir, visited Mordechai Shenvald, a reservist who was seriously wounded in the war, in the hospital, and together they sang “Ya Echsof”, a song written by Rabbi Aharon (“the Great”) of Karlin.

Mordechai Shenvald (33), son of Rabbi Eliezer Shenvald, the head of the Modiin yeshiva, spoke about his injury: "I was wounded on November 2nd in the Al-Shati refugee camp. I am a combat soldier in a special unit, and on the day of the injury, we fought in the north of Gaza.

Thank God we shot and killed many terrorists. But then we ran out of both ammunition and gas. We wanted to go back, but then the tank didn't start, and we were stuck.”

He added: “An anti-tank missile was fired at us. The windbreaker that is supposed to protect us opened, but when the cover opened, I suffered a severe back injury. I flew and broke 11 out of 12 ribs, and I also broke my pelvis," he said while leaning on the walker that helps him move around. "I have a thought on why I have one rib left. It's for my future wife because I'm still single."

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