06 December 2023

A Mathematical Bible Prophecy . .

while deleting old files on my computer, I came across this amazing article. if you know the source and the person who wrote this, please let me know.

Although a little obscure (and sophisticated) this is one of the most fascinating prophecies found in the Bible.


Here, we find G–D telling Ezekiel that each day he (Ezekiel) lies on his side will represent one year of punishment for the nation Israel (Israel + Judah) because of their iniquities (sins) against G–D . . .


So, we have:


      390 days     Judgment against the 10 northern tribes 'Israel'

  +    40 days     Judgment against the 2 southern tribes 'Judah'

  =  430 years   Judgment against the nation of Israel



The Fulfillment of the Prophetic Judgment Begins . . .


In 606 B.C. Israel (Judah) was taken into captivity by Babylon for exactly 70 years ...


      430  years of judgment determined against nation Israel

  -    70   years fulfilled during the captivity in Babylon

  =  360  years remaining in judgment against the nation of Israel



The Mystery of 360 Years . . .


There should have been a total of 360 years left in judgment against Israel after their release from Babylonian captivity by the Persian general Cyrus, exactly 70 years after the Babylonian captivity began (just as the prophet Jeremiah had prophesied before the captivity) ... but where was the remaining 360 year judgment in Israel's history??!!



The '7X' Factor of G–D's Judgment . . .


Bible scholars could not find any specific captivity or dispersion that fulfilled these 360 years left in the judgment until a close look in the book of Leviticus revealed astartling prophetic warning ...


 "And after all this, if you do not obey Me,

   then I (G–D) will punish you seven times more for your sins."

   (Leviticus 26:18)


 "Then, if you walk contrary to Me,

   and are not willing to obey Me,

   I (G–D) will bring on you seven times more plagues,

   according to your sins."

   (Leviticus 26:21)


 "And after all this,

   if you do not obey Me,

   but walk contrary to Me,

   then I (G–D) also will walk contrary to you in fury;

   and I, even I will chastise you seven times for your sins.:

   (Leviticus 26:27-28)


 "I (G–D) will scatter you among the nations

   and draw a sword after you;

   your Land shall be desolate

   and your cities waste."

   (Leviticus 26:33)



The 7X factor of G–D's judgment against nation Israel.  G–D warned Israel if they continued in their disobedience He would multiply their judgment by seven times! Remember, as noted throughout these prophetic studies, G–D says what He means and He means what He says! 



Prophecy Fulfilled . . .


Now, let's apply the 7X factor to the remaining 360 years of judgment against nation Israel in this remarkable mathematical prophecy . . .


        360    Remaining years of judgment

      x    7    The prophetic '7X' factor

 =  2,520   Years of judgment remained against nation Israel



G–D gave the Jews the most sophisticated calendar on Earth.  It is both a Lunar and a Solar calendar.  The Jewish calendar uses a 360 day lunar (and prophetic) year and then adds a 'Leap Month' on specific years to accurately coincide with the Solar cycle we use on our 'Julian' calendar ...


The Bible uses 360 day years for prophecies and expects us to add the appropriate 'leap months' on schedule.  So, the easiest way to unravel this prophecy is to firstconvert this prophecy into days ...


          2,520   years

        x   360   days

  =  907,200  days of judgment remained against nation Israel after the Babylonian captivity



Now, convert the 907,200 days found in this prophecy into our 365.25 day solar years (the .25 adjusts for leap years) . . .


  907,200 days ˜ 365.25  days =  2,483.78 years of judgment remained against nation Israel



With this information, let's look at this remarkable prophecy again . . .


        606  B.C         Israel taken into Babylonian captivity

    -     70  Years      for 70 years

  =   536   B.C.        End of first 70 years of judgment

  + 2483   Years      Now add the 2,483 years remaining in this judgment

  +       1   Year        Add 1 year because there is no "0" B.C. or A.D.

  = 1948   AD!         End of judgment against nation Israel



Israel Back in Her Land as a Nation . . . in 1948!


Anonymous said...

I have a very good guess.

I'll tell you if you do what I've been begging you to do for so long and delete the Berland trash.

Neshama said...

It’s not from them!
And I deleted all .
If you find any more let me know!!

Neshama said...

And stop messin with my computer work!

Neshama said...

OK will do, now leave me alone
I’m not Breslev at all and never was
Why don’t you bother the other bloggers that post about his Torah?
Go all over the internet and try to erase them!

Rabbi Avrohom Gurwicz: If Secular Studies Law Passes In Britain, Jews Must Leave Country

that’s the right idea!  Rabbi Avraham Gurwicz, head of the Beis Yosef Yeshiva in Gateshead, England , and one of the senior Roshei Yeshiva i...