10 March 2022

What is Going On – This Doesn’t Make Sense

Why Isn’t Israel Bringing More Ukranian Jews To Israel?

Why Are They Going To Other Countries?

Who’s In Charge of This?

Why Are 5000 Ukranian Nationals

Refugees Coming Instead??

Something is ההפך!

Especially when:

Shaked said those 20,000 Ukrainians who were already illegally residing in Israel prior to the start of the war will be allowed to remain.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

They don't want to come. And even those who have arrived dream only of returning to their "homes." It seems the time has not yet arrived for Jews to be ready to return. Instead, they will shelter here, go back to Europe. Others will remain in Miami, Monsey, and other places that they call "home."

Neshama said...

The 4/5ths??
Good Grief!

Anonymous said...

There is only one way this mixed multitude problem will be fixed and that is by Moshiach Tzdkeinu coming and may it be as soon as possible - Amen!
Can you imagine all that needs to be done after almost 75 years of slowly deJudazing as much as possible our beloved EY. H' help that Geulah comes ASAP b'chesed v'rachamim.


Neshama said...

Oh, gosh, you’re correct. We need a complete overhaul.
Now they’re pushing polio vaccine shots. History told us that the vac shedding caused others to receive the virus.
Do they want another catastrophe to start??

ISRAEL How Bad Does it Have to Get Before You Repent

Lets get real serious  ..........the peaceful "innocent"citizens of Gaza ...... .......And you release "them" into Judea...