29 March 2022

Rabbi Weissman – Dr Peter Breggin Interview

Episode 32 of the Root and Branch Medical War Crimes series, featuring Dr. Peter Breggin, is available at  Highly recommended.


Great interview with Dr. Peter Breggin + More abomination from JOWMA

When JOWMA isn't busy serving as a propaganda arm of the Gates Foundation to convince naive Orthodox Jews to get injected with bioweapons, they are busy using Jewish-looking female missionaries to insinuate anti-Torah ideas into Orthodox communities.  See this recent ad (attached) for classes on “women's health” that is a thin veil for promoting contraception and eugenics.  

Here's one of the presenters, Sahar Wertheimer, who is also the Chair of JOWMA's “Women's Health Committee”, introducing herself:

“The pain of not being able to create a family, whatever the reason may be – life circumstance, infertility, disease, cancer, being in a same-sex relationship – is a pain that really resonates with me.”

This organization that for the last two years has been obsessed with getting Orthodox Jews to take injections that have caused nothing but carnage, that supported the closing of shuls, yeshivas, and mikvas, along with other assaults on Jewish life, is run by abomination activists who erode Torah-observance under the guise of women's health and “empowering” women.  

Ironically enough, this ad promoting contraception appeared in a supposedly Orthodox publication called Family First, part of Mishpacha Magazine.  Mishpacha frequently reminds readers that they conduct themselves based on “Da'as Torah”.  I would love to know if they consulted “Da'as Torah” before publishing ads from this anti-Torah organization led by feminist activists, who are responsible for countless Jews taking shots that caused serious illness, miscarriages, and death.  Mishpacha received a great deal of blood money to run these ads.  What does “Da'as Torah” have to say about that?

What does “Da'as Torah” have to say about same-sex couples who, nebach, want to start a family, or educating and empowering young girls about contraception?

If you want to ask Mishpacha, their contact information is here:

For more on the snakes at JOWMA:



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how these stupid women feel they're orthodox when they want to change Torah teachings to their whims. They obviously have no idea of what a Jew is, let alone what 'Orthodo' means. Their mindset is totally galut in every way. Think Yeshivot better start teaching their students the proper Torah way.


ARI GOLDWAG Happy Inside (English) ארי גולדוואג - השמחה מבפנים (גרסת אנגלית)    Lyrics:  To see the good when its raining to go the day with...