30 March 2022

Rabbi Weissman: Two Rabbinic Distortions – Part One

 (B”H I decided to check my Spam, and found these two submissions of Rabbi Weissman)

Two Rabbinic Distortions – Part One

We have a serious epidemic of Erev Rav distorting the Torah. They have tricked many Jews to commit grave sins and endanger their very lives. I don't know what these Erev Rav did to earn blind obedience – the very notion is antithetical to the Torah, and fittingly based on more distorted Torah sources – but it needs to stop.

Even the greatest rabbis can make an honest mistake at times; they are human and imperfect like everyone else. Any rabbi worth the title will be grateful when someone brings the error to his attention, and will rush to correct himself. Catching a rabbi in a mistake is not grounds to dismiss him as an Erev Rav, particularly if is he honest and humble about it.

However, when a rabbi distorts the Torah to push an agenda, it's a different ballgame. This is not a time to show deference, for he is destroying the very foundations on which our society rests. This is especially true if he rests on his laurels and refuses to engage those whoquestion him. Such a person has exposed himself as a megaleh panim b'Torah, and his crime outweighs his merits. Indeed, the greater his prominence, the more damage he can cause with such corruption. His prominence is not a reason to whitewash his corruption, but even more of a reason to oppose him head on.

Rabbis have been distorting the Torah right and left on behalf of the pharmaceutical oligarchy, and, more recently, to promote a worldwide lashon hara campaign against Chaim Walder (see here, here, and here). The Torah is unequivocally against them in both cases, as I have demonstrated extensively. It's not even a debate; their position would have been dead on arrival if they didn't have positions of prominence – which they no longer deserve – and a corrupt propaganda machine squarely on their side.

Here are two additional Torah sources which vindicate my harsh words against these Erev Rav. I encourage everyone to confront them with this information, without deference or fear, and demand an explanation. If you want to be rid of the Erev Rav once and for all, you need to do something about it.
Many rabbis have falsely claimed that we must follow the presumed majority of doctors if they tell us to get injected with who-knows-what. They provided neither context for nuance for this incredible expansion of the power of doctors over all our lives. Just like that, if a bunch of doctors can be bribed, blackmailed, or fooled into pushing a pharmaceutical product, we have no choice but to take it.

There is neither Torah basis nor historical precedent for doctors having such far-reaching authority over the Jewish people. The Torah does not authorize doctors to give instructions to the masses, only to individuals. Even the cases in which an individual must follow the advice of a doctor – or a collective of doctors – are severely limited. Bodily autonomy is sacrosanct in the Torah, whether your ignorant, paranoid neighbor likes it or not.

Nevertheless, the Erev Rav were given a job to do – make it work – and they did it. They needed to find sources that doctors have some role in society, then take these sources out of context and blow them out of proportion. That's what they always do. They depend on the average person being too lazy to look into it themselves, too simple to tell the difference, or too afraid to challenge them. That's how they get away with it.

One of their favorite sources was the halacha that one who is ill must eat on Yom Kippur if even a minority of doctors believes that fasting may endanger his life. Aha! We have to listen to the doctors and protect our health. Take the shots!

Their sleight of hand is so amateurish that it's a wonder anyone fell for this. As I noted in this rebuttal of one such rabbinic magician, who was defending another, a doctor is indeed empowered to rule leniently for an ill patient that the prohibition of eating on Yom Kippur should be relaxed to protect his life. 
Attempting to derive from here that doctors can mandate that everyone, including perfectly healthy people, must inject themselves with experimental drugs – all of which have clear risks and unknowns, unlike eating some food on Yom Kippur – is a total mystery, and a corruption of the Torah.

The claim that this source means what they claim it means is so patently absurd that it doesn't require a rebuttal. Nevertheless, I recently came across the following comment from the Pischei Teshuva that is too good not to share. It is a passing comment in Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 13 near the end of the siman:
דבעלמא אין האמנם לרופא אלא לספק עלינו ויהיה ספק פיקוח נפש דדוחה שבת ויום הכיפורים
In general there is no trust for a doctor except to bring doubt upon us, and there would then be a possibility of saving a life that would push aside Shabbos and Yom Kippur.

In other words, we trust a doctor to the extent that we will administer medical care on Shabbos or feed a person on Yom Kippur based on his concerns. That's pretty much it. A doctor has zero authority to make rules for healthy people, and extremely limited authority when it comes to unhealthy people – even if he holds the majority opinion. Patients are not prisoners, and are not beholden to a referendum when it comes to their personal care.

The Pischei Teshuva clearly writes that doctors have credibility only to permit us to take precautions on behalf of sick people. They have no credibility to declare that a pharmaceutical product is “safe and effective”, nor that anyone or everyone is obligated to be injected with it. They have no credibility to decide that we must close our shuls and yeshivos, imprison people in their homes, obstruct our respiratory pathways with hideous masks, keep a distance from other human beings, or go to other insane extremes to prevent the spread of an illness of any kind.

Doctors have no such trust. Period. They never did and they never will. Any rabbi who claims otherwise is responsible for spiritually and physically harming his followers, and disgracing the Torah, and should be banished from our midst.
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I strongly urge all Jews to join together in this campaign to increase our connection to Hashem, the Torah, and Shabbos.
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🇨🇦🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦 What in the world is happening?
February 24 Zoom Community Event with Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Attorney Christopher Ferrara, Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, Rabbi Michoel Green, and Dr. Heshie Klein.
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Here is evidence that directed energy weapons were used to murder the Jews at Meron last year:  The same technology was used on a lower level against protesters in Australia. Also see the following, which was compiled before this information came to light.
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Interesting email below that someone shared with me.  I've been thinking the same thing, though I didn't know all the historical numbers.  A reverend in India can say this, but not Jews, whose hearts always bleed for those who hate them.
A few thoughts about the Russia -Ukraine war.
In February 1905, a pogrom occurred in Ukraine in which the Ukrainian people slaughtered 300 Jews and injured thousands more. Another pogrom occurred in Ekaterinoslav, during which Ukranian's finest sons murdered 120 Jews.

Pogroms occurred in 64 cities (Odessa, Ekaterinoslav, Kiev, Simferopol, Romny, Kremenchug, Nikolaev, Chernigov, Kamenets-Podolsky and Elisavetgrad) and in 626 villages. The pogroms lasted several days. 
The Ukrainian murderers who slaughtered Jews were proud train workers, traders in local shops, artisans and industrialists.

During the Russian Civil War, between 1918 and 1921, Ukrainians proudest sons continued to murder Jews. A total of 1,236 violent incidents against Jews occurred in 524 towns in Ukraine. The estimates of the number of killed range between 30,000 and 60,000. Of the recorded 1,236 pogroms, 493 were carried out by Ukrainian People's Republic soldiers under command of Symon Petliura, 307 by independent Ukrainian warlords, and 213 by Denikin's army.

The Ukrainian people were delighted to "help" the German people murder Jews during the Shoah. 
In 1941, Operation Barbarossa destroyed the Jewish population of Ukraine, and reduced it from 870,000 to 17,000. 
The German massacres could not have been accomplished without the aid of the local Ukrainian population, because the Germans lacked the manpower to reach all of the communities that were annihilated, especially in the remote villages.

The nationalist OUN-Bandera faction of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army "openly advocated violence against Jews." In August 1941 at its Second Congress in Kraków OUN-B embraced anti-Semitism. "Twenty so-called 'foreign' nationalities were listed as enemies of Ukraine: Jews were first." The resolution stated: "OUN combats the Jews as the prop of the Muscovite-Bolshevik regime." On September 1, 1941, Ukrainian language newspaper Volhyn wrote: "The element that settled our cities (Jews)... must disappear completely from our cities. The Jewish problem is already in the process of being solved." 
The Lviv pogroms were two massacres of Jews that took place from June 30 to July 2, and from July 25-29, 1941. 

According to Yad Vashem, six thousand Jews were killed primarily by rioting Ukrainian nationalists and a newly formed Ukrainian militia. 

Ukrainian nationalists assisted German Security Police and the Einsatzgruppen. They compiled lists of targets for the branch offices of the KdS and assisted with the roundups (as in Stanisławów, Włodzimierz Wołyński, Łuck), as well as in Zhytomyr, Rivne and Kiev among other locations. 

In Korosten, the Ukrainian people carried out the killings by themselves--even without the German present.

Did they think that the past oppression, cruelty, murders of the Jews staying there would go unpunished?
This is all part of Ad-nai's work. (blog editing)
He had said that vengeance was His, in His own time.
The bones of His chosen people will cry out. 
Praying for the safety of our Jewish brothers and sisters stranded in Ukraine.
Ad-nai will protect them and guide them to safety.
Rev.K. Paul
Pune, India
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One quick thought about what's going on.  There are a lot of theories about what's really happening there and what it's really all about.  There's only one thing I know for sure: whatever the media wants us to believe is NOT the real story.  The same media that is totally corrupted, deceiving the public day after day, didn't suddenly become trustworthy when it comes to the situation with Russia and Ukraine.  Don't let the fake media draw conclusions for you about anything.


Anonymous said...

Excellent as usual. Our people do not remember any history, no matter how recent and when we speak of 100 years and less, that is very recent history. The ukraniams have always been the most anti-semitic of all, even moreso than the Germans, yimach shmom v'zichrom. They are pure Amaleikim! What is really disgraceful are the rabbis of today who say they learn Torah and are our teachers, yet they stand up for our enemies so much of the time. They are also Erev Rav and, as usual, cause us tzarot instead of being the teachers and conduits to Torah and Hashem. May we merit our righteous Moshiach to come immediately. Amen!


Neshama said...

Those who follow and believe what the msm say are in for a big surprise when the TRUTH is made public.

BEN SHAPIRO: The True Faces Of Evil

Hamas parades dead Jewish babies in Gaza, then detonates bus bombs in Tel Aviv; the Trump administration continues its unique Ukraine approa...