20 March 2022

Profound Hesped


Hesped Of Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein Shlita, Brother-In-Law Of Rabbi Chaim: ‘ Ish Shehakol Bo’

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — “I wish to share a statement of Chazal which the sages of our generation requested me to dictate to the hundreds of thousands of people of Israel here. The midrash in Shir Hashirim says that Eshkol refers to one who is ‘Ish Shehakol Bo’, he is versed in Mikra, Mishna, Talmud, Tosefta and Hagada. The midrash explains that there are situations when the Midas Hadin (attribute of justice) wants what it deserves and the Midas Harachamim (attribute of mercy) wants what it deserves and Hashem decides to take from us the Eshkol – the one who has everything. There is one person whose merit is like that of the entire nation. Hashem takes this person who is considered like the entire nation in order to atone for the Jewish nation.

“Rabbi Chaim wrote the book ‘Karnei Chagavim’, [on the kosher signs of locusts] and needed to see what a locust looked like. Suddenly a locust appeared on his window so that Rabbi Chaim could see its features and explain the halachos. When I told this to my father-in-law, Rabbi Elyashiv was shocked and said that only Rishonim had merited such things, but we ourselves saw someone who had merited this. The Ohr Hachayim says that even if there is such an Eshkol among us [and he is taken from us], we must also do Teshuva.

“Rabbi Chaim was a person for whom every minute was utilized in remarkable fashion. Recently he would bless the public using a pnemonic -[BuHa rather than Beracha Ve’Hatzlacha] in order to utilize the time better and prevent Bittul Torah. In this weeks parsha it says that “all the house of Israel shall mourn the conflagration which Hashem has wrought.” Chazal explain that one who has pain and distress, the best time to cry and to request help [for his distress] is when the niftar is in front of us, since it is as if Hashem’s spirit is now among us.

“One person requires a cure, another needs a livelihood or shalom bayis, another wants to derive satisfaction from his children. Let us all cry and utilize this time, this opportunity to do Teshuva. We have before us a person who had all the attributes. Let us merit being at least part of what he was and may his soul be bound in everlasting life.”

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