03 August 2020

RED and GREEN Zones and Countries

It is important to know

The first time I heard GAMZU speak of red and green areas I wondered how he decided that.

In the US a govt committee hearing presider spoke impassioned words on education for children and why it was so important. (This was during a questioning of Fauci by the committee by Jordan) In this he referred to red zones! Immediately I realized that this plan of red and green zones came down from “THEM” and was a pre–planned plan, aha, part of the “PLANdemic”

So, we see continuously that ISRAEL is attached strongly to the PLANDEMIC PLANners, and I would say very complicit in dealing with the “public”. (Not humanity, but numbers, like in the Shoah).

That’s why there are gross accusations about Haredim, bnei Brak, Yeshiva bochurim, et al. It was only after Netanyahu spoke to him that he grouped together ALL the “students” returning for education. And this his continued references about the economy and tourism from “Green” countries. So see there is a UNiversal plan!


moshe said...

Was there ever a doubt that this was planned and that the 'state' is a puppet to the powers. This is surely the 9 months of subjugation to foreign rule. Also, the plan of the erev rav has always been to unite with Esav/Yishmael to undo Yisrael, c'v. H' is in control and we pray for the Geulah to come immediately because everything has gotten out of hand everywhere.

Neshama said...

I’m hope-ing many people read these posts and YOUR COMMENTS because people need to wake up. I keep trying with all the things I write about.
Did you see what is happening to “F”?

moshe said...

P.S. You are doing a Herculean job with your blog putting forth so much needed information; I wish every Jew everywhere could read all the great posts you present; it would surely wake them up! I e-mail them to as many as I can. Yasher Koach, H' bless you!

Neshama said...

Thank you so much Moshe, it helps to know I may be helping others.

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