03 August 2020

Dror Tamir “According to the N.T., John the Baptist used to eat locusts with honey,"

and that is supposed to impress us Jews?

Plague to Protein: Israeli Firm Seeks to Put Locusts on the Menu. 
From biblical plague to modern day protein, one Israeli firm wants to make locusts a sustainable food choice in the Holy Land and beyond. 
As for whether or not the insects are kosher, the answer is not so simple. At Hargol Foodtech's farm in the Israeli Golan Heights, a rectangular enclosure that once served as a chicken coop is filled with thousands of locusts, a grasshopper species that has a highly destructive swarming phase. 
i hope the kasrus field does not allow this ‘powder’ 
to be included in ingredients of other foods
 Contained in a series of meticulously stacked, climate-controlled mesh cages, the insects are served wheatgrass through their three-month life-cycle, before being cooled, killed and baked. 
Hargol's chief executive Dror Tamir told AFP that he grew up hearing stories of how locusts destroyed the fields of his kibbutz in the 1950s. Yet the Yemenite Jews in the area did not view locusts as crop-ruining pests, but as an edible source of nutrients, Tamir recalled. As an adult, Tamir became a food and nutrition entrepreneur increasingly concerned about the environmental cost of providing the world's growing population with enough animal protein. 
i think there is only ONE species that is actually kosher
Tamir said he founded Hargol – Hebrew for grasshopper – six and a half years ago after realizing the insects were the solution. The company's goal is to be "the first in the world to grow grasshoppers on a commercial scale, and provide the world with a healthier and more sustainable source of protein.” Read more at link above.

Rockefeller’s “Reset the Table”: Food Tyranny –
Transform Food Supply

The Rockefeller Foundation has released a new report, "Reset The Table" -- an implied part of "The Great Reset" -- describing a radical transformation of our food system in the face of the most significant disruption to our food supply in history. The report calls to provide food to all (like UBI), use schools as community nutrition distribution anchors, de-fund farms/ranches via "true cost accounting" that includes CO2, provide funds to BIPOC, collect realtime data for AI/automation, and much, much more. 

  "Edible Vaccine"? PHARMING: Food that Changes YOU  
We hear a lot about vaccines, but what if the real threat is something as seemingly innocuous as a tomato? Scientists are "Pharming" tomatoes that will act as "edible coronavirus vaccines," as we are told that GMO is mandatory in this "new normal." The ultimate goal, they admit, is to modify the genetics of the consumer. Is food the ultimate delivery mechanism to achieve a GMO transhuman future? Every aspect of the food supply chain is being destroyed and perverted, and you must start growing your own food for your family.

"You are what you eat." / "Let thy food be thy medicine.


moshe said...

Of course, the state is not only part of this nwo but is being used as the 'canary in the mine'. The stuff going on in the medina is even more aggressive than anywhere else. I think Europe is watching out more because each country is watching out for their own people. Different story in the US because it's a hodgepodge of every nationality there is and lead with all of this, but Israel is the canary, as usual. Why are the Jews so asleep; the secular are so assimilated, they're just like the goyim and the chareidim live in a bubble and can't understand what's happening in the world. This guy in the Golan is just looking out to make his fortune and using the pretext of 'kosher locusts'. Doubt if anyone today knows which locusts are really kosher and the thought is revolting, as we live in a time that B'H, the world is overflowing with all kinds of good foods, thanks to H'. It is the evil that is so blatant today that these evil ones want to 'literally' transform man into a different (species) creation than H' created. H' will destroy all who go out to tamper with and try to destroy His Creations! Amen! It is humanity itself that needs to wake up and realize what is happening and do something about it with the 'good' people choosing good and proclaiming that evil will no longer exist; That is the Will of G-D! Now is time to choose which side of the fence man chooses, the righteous side for life or the evil side leading to extinction.

moshe said...

Also, forgot to say that knesset members and other referencing things to non-Jewish sources and this Gamzu guy is a disgrace. They don't seem to realize they are living in holy EY and that it is supposed to be the 'Jewish' state. These are blatant Erev Rav, and may the day soon be where they no longer will have any influence at all anywhere and especially in the Holy Land of E.Y.

Neshama said...

MOSHE, you are in rare form today. Thank you.

GAMZU is the head guy at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and HAND PICKED BY NETANYAHU!
What more could we expect of him. However, he’ll be put in place by Netanyahu, because “N” doesn’t like anyone to boss him around; only he does the bossing.

Jesterhead45 said...

Come from a Jewish community that has a tradition of eating Kosher Locusts along with Kitniyot and soft Matzah, so have little objection in that respect provided they are from that single Kosher species.

That said am rather dubious about the motives behind this global push towards transforming the food supply, however one looks at it though it is easy to go all Black Pill and realise that everything we eat is pretty much tainted in one form or another without our knowledge or consent and not all of us are capable or in a position to grow our own food as proposed by some.

A holy ideal would be within the context of a revived Minhag / Nusach Eretz Yisrael as attempted in the modern day by the likes of Rabbi David Bar-Hayim and others yet given legitimacy by a revived Sanhedrin as vehicle of unification for Jews living in the Land of Israel.

Neshama said...

Jester head, I like what you wrote. Thank you.
A couple questions. Are you from the Yemenite tribe? If so can you go further into the custom even providing links to Jewish ‘science’ articles.
Also, what is the Nusach Eretz Yisrael? In your words (no videos from the Rabbi please) what does this entail? Are you aware that Israel (the progressive element) are responsible for much of this food adulteration in the world? Also, in the time of the second Beis there was also a food movement associated with the extremists? I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to eat more “Clean food” but their idea of what that consists of is gruesome.
I personally try to eat as much as I can of organic foods. The Israeli farming “Techno–industry“ is not what it used to be, clean and nontoxic. Nowadays, they use Roundup, a HIGHLY poisonous weed killer on most regular crops, and in the production of wheat, ie matzos, pitot and other flour foods, and also as “unnecessary” additives in prep of other foods. I avoid this aspect being gluten free.
But, we must realize that food is not what it once was, and so is the soil not protected.

Jesterhead45 said...


Yes, am of Teimani background with a familial tradition of eating Locusts via my late Saba though unable to go into the specifics.

From my limited perspective would define Minhag / Nusach Eretz Yisrael as the pre-exlic way of life our forefathers practiced Yahadut and way of life Jews in Israel should aspire to return to in the Messianic Era. Elements of which have been preserved in one form or another up to the present by various Jewish communities.

That does not preclude however those of us who wish to honor the Minhag / Nusach of our forefathers during our exile in the Land of Israel, yet it would be something that in practice is likely rendered non-obligatory and subservient to the Minhag / Nusach in the Land of Israel and thus no longer a source of division within the Jewish people.

Agreed on food not being what it used to be, pity one has to search out for organic foods and even then not be certain of whether they are actually organic or not. Surprised food fraud has not become a bigger issue where companies and producers simply slap on an organic label on any random food item.

Also not keen on the whole Vegan movement despite it theoretically expanding the available Parve options. By the way is it known historically whether non-meat eaters were still required to partake of eating Temple sacrifices or not or if other allowances were made?

moshe said...

Thank you Jesterhead. Interesting and informative information. But, this reminds us of what was lost with the expulsion of the Jews in Gush Katif. They farmed the most beautiful and healthy real Organic foods which they began to export, so others also could benefit. Anything that is good, true and wholesome, the evil doers of today will not allow!
Maybe the foods provided by Gush Katif was too messianic, in a way, before its time. Everything will be righted when Moshiach arrives.

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