31 August 2020


 ELUL 5780

5781 HOLOCAUST 2021

[I don’t know what to make of this? NIBIRU??]

Does anyone remember what it was like before WWII? 
What people went thru trying to get out of Europe? 
Fleeing from one country to another, sometimes on foot. 
And the countries that would not accept Jews? 

Well, the scenes we are witness to now, with new Entry Regulations to Israel, our Eretz haKodesh, plus this Traffic Light System of country designation whether red, yellow, etc, and which ones are allowing visitors, and those that are not. And the Traffic Light system for cities within Israel! 

Testing for leaving a country, testing to be allowed on airplanes, then upon entry testing and quarantine!

I’m afraid this is leading to a total world isolation “in place” and then mandatory vaccinations, all to diminish populations; with a result of the vaccine concoction that will affect different persons in various ways, such as diminished brain activity and strange illnesses, all leading to a slow demise. 

This sounds weird but in terms of earthly events of the evil ones.  When one looks at the events from the beginning of the so-called pandemic up to now, if one looks closely, one can see a pattern. 

The more one examines, the more one can see. The more one can extrapolate.


While we Jews believe “everything” is under the control of God. 
How can we look for and see His plan for His children throughout this universal ordeal? 
We are supposed to view current events reflective of our Torah prophecies and history. 

Until now it has been possible for any Jew to come to Israel on any airplane and visit and even remain as long as he/she wanted. And even become citizens while living here. But now it is different. If a Jew comes from anywhere without his “corona certification” he is deemed a “foreigner”.

We need to list all the “freedoms” we are no longer allowed. 
And all the things that are no longer available to us.

If travel is being restrained and eventually denied, this must mean we Jews are no longer free to come to our Homeland.
Jews will be stuck in the countries wherever they are living!

It will take Mashiach to come and get us, to bring us to Eretz Yisrael for the Redemption.

But in the meanwhile, take notice of everything strange, unusual, restricting, missing, etc. and put it all together as an End of History Map.

For instance:

USPS Files Patent for Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System, UN's Global Plan!

1 comment:

moshe said...

I believe that these new insane restrictions for any Yehudi who wants to come to EY, even for a trip and, of course, to settle the Land, is the most frightening of all and tells us the whole truth about the 'state' of Israel. There is NO Jewish leadership at the helm, the courts, we know are complete anti-semites. Who would have believed after the 1948 rebirth of the 'jewish' state, the JEWS would have a problem coming home? This whole so-called 'pandemic' was orchestrated to hold the world captive and to undo the Jewish state, people and, of course, our holy Torah. Reading another excellent blog, the blogger shows us the motivation of the non-Jewish world is to replace the Jews in EY and, literally, c'v, take over. It seems that this is the real reason for pushing away aliya with the excuse of this 'dreaded' pandemic. Many people are not that stupid and realize there are many questions which must be answered and are not buying the line of those at the helm. Think the PM is in the tank with them all the way and the people are waking up to what is being done to them, and it's time for Moshiach because he is needed now more than ever before.

ISRAEL How Bad Does it Have to Get Before You Repent

Lets get real serious  ..........the peaceful "innocent"citizens of Gaza ...... .......And you release "them" into Judea...