17 August 2020


UPDATE TODAY: *Gamzu: Lockdown During Chagim a ‘Possibility’ But ‘It’s Complicated’ 
(back-tracking anti-Haredim nonsense: stay tuned for Prof. Udi Qimron: "History will judge the hysteria”)
As Elul is just around the corner, Shuls around Israel are now planning for the Yomim Noraim under COVID-19 restrictions. While the number of people allowed ...was raised yesterday to 20 in an indoor space and 30 in an outdoor space
"Mirpeset (porch) Minyanim” have also returned as many people who cannot attend shul due to the strictly regulated number YWN

Equal Restrictions for Synagogues and Restaurants (oh, really?)

 Did They Forget the Statement of Prof Gamzu, the New Corona Tzar about Synagogues/Shuls?? 

 “We won’t allow any more restrictions without logic. I will not allow harm to economy without a logical reason, I am responsible” 



Health Minister Yuli Edelstein decided, after a consultation with professionals, including Health Ministry Director General Prof. Hezi Levy and coronavirus project manager Prof. Ronni Gamzu, to equalize the conditions of restaurants and houses of prayer, without harming business owners. 

 On Sunday, a draft resolution will be presented stating that in restaurants, public places, businesses and houses of worship, the number of people will be limited to 20 people in a closed space and to 30 in an open space, provided that it is possible to maintain a distance of 2 square meters between tables. 

The restaurant association said in response, "We are pleased with the decision of the Minister of Health and thank Professor Gamzu and the ministers in the Coronavirus Cabinet, who worked over the weekend to cancel the restrictions approved on Friday.”

What about the overly strict restrictions for “houses of worship” for the coming High Holidays: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (the day of trial and sentencing of sinners). Where are all the Jews going to pray to The Creator of the World? Out in the street? In parking lots? By the ocean?

Source: arutzsheva


1 comment:

moshe said...

We have to l'hitpallel to H', l'mchok Amaleik once and for all! How stupid can humanity be to allow billions to be ruled and controlled by such a minority of pure evil doers? We're getting closer and closer to the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu because it is getting uglier by the day and H' will not allow it to go an inch further. These are not human beings but are literal 'demons'!

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