05 August 2020



Brave Woman Challenges (WHO/CDC) Grotto

An Israeli Knesset Member challenged the Health Ministry’s coronavirus stats, telling a senior ministry official on Sunday that many of those who died from other, preexisting conditions were erroneously included in the COVID death toll.

MK Yulia Malinovsky (Yisrael Beytenu) interrupted Deputy Director-General of the Health Ministry Prof. Itamar Grotto’s presentation that he made before the Knesset’s Coronavirus Committee on Sunday. The outburst came after Grotto cited ministry statistics that show that more than 400 people died from the coronavirus thus far. 

Malinovsky challenged the figure, noting that some of the deaths included in the COVID death toll were actually patients who died of other causes while also testing positive for the virus. 

“They didn’t die from COVID-19, that’s an error,” said Malinovsky. “You’re deceiving the public.”

MK Osnat Mark (Likud) objected to Malinovsky’s comments, saying that the fact that there were preexisting conditions in some patients doesn’t mean their deaths were not expedited by being infected with the virus. “If it hastens their deaths, isn’t that enough? If a cancer patient is in a high-risk group and dies because of the coronavirus, he could have lived for a few more years with treatment.” 

Malinovsky replied to Mark’s comments asking: “If a 90-year-old cancer patient comes to the hospital, he’s been put on a ventilator and he’s in an induced coma, the doctors are fighting for his life, and at the end, he gets a virus – which there are many of in hospitals – and then he dies. How did he die?” 

At that point, Mark interrupted her again yelling “That’s not the same thing!” Malinovsky then asked not to be interrupted. According to the data released by the Health Ministry as of Sunday morning, the amount of corona-related fatalities in Israel reached 406, with 238 patients listed in serious condition. However, it should be noted that the WHO changed the guidelines for those listed in ‘serious condition’ inflating the original numbers.

this chart shows how the graph climbs as the testing increases, identified as “cases”or “patients” 
while the line for “deaths” appears flat. (*PCR test is not to be used for viral-testing, not reliable 
and can also test positive’ for the common cold, which is a coronavirus) 

Source: BreakingNews

Visit questioningcovid to find discussions concerning many viewpoints on the edicts 
by so-called medical professionals and their restrictions of this virus

We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. 

Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an instrument for geopolitical and social control – largely in the form of a vaccination agenda – to subdue the populace through coerced and forced bodily penetration and associated disability, mortality, and surveillance. 

As a result, conventional Western medicine functions as a sort of religion based on consensus assumptions and dogmatic medical monotheistic posturing. At its core, this approach is not salugenic or scientific and thus violates its stated ethical parameters around informed consent, beneficence, and an uncompromised evidence base. 

 We believe that citizens should be free to exercise their natural right to practice medicine as they see fit – in retention both of bodily sovereignty and civil liberties. To that end, we orient ourselves around the foundational premises that the body is inherently wise, that symptoms are meaningful, and that radical healing is eminently possible when we align with the earth and honor our place in the natural world.

1 comment:

moshe said...

Surprising that most Israelis can't figure that out because in the U.S., practically anyone who thinks and reads knows that whatever figure they say, it's half. The doctors were mandated to write Covid19 on all of the deaths in the hospitals. Just like our Chazal tell us, 'truth will disappear' at keitz hayamim, it's happening now where 'lies' are the new 'truth', r'l. Sadly, the medina has become a 51st state, it seems. Where is Moshiach tzdkeinu?

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