27 November 2016



Al-Qaeda linked Palestinian militant group 'claims responsibility' for devastating Haifa fires which have cost thousands of Israeli families everything. See Reuters photo:

From the Jewish Press: 

They Are Trying to Burn Jews and the World is Silent AGAIN! (thank you Meir, a commenter on Years of Awe (Reb Dov bar Lieb’s blog)

From Rav Glazerson:

I have trouble understanding Rav Glazerson in some of his videos; however, in this video he speaks about "A THREAT - HOLOCAUST TO ISRAEL IN BIBLE CODE” On November 20, could this have been a warning about the FIRES that were to envelop our precious Eretz Yisrael?

From First Person Report:

"Yaakov Lehman, another friend in Beit Meir, reports:
At around 2 am Thursday night, terrorists set fire to my small mountain village of Beit Meir. They lit multiple blazes, surrounding the only exit from our moshav with a gulf of flames. As you can imagine, this made it exceedingly difficult for myself, my pregnant wife, and two kids to escape to safety. We, along with our neighbors, were trapped. After about an hour of harrowing confusion, firefighters managed to clear a path for the 100 families of Beit Meir to flee the inferno. I watched as dozens of righteous firefighters and police faded into the smokey distance of my rear view mirror. We fled to Beit Shemesh, and were warmly taken in at 3:30am by an unceasingly kind family. The forest is a sea of fire. I don't know if I will have a house to return to. Pray for us."

Well it seems the more you dig the worse it gets:

“‘Unleash Hell’: New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make ’ember bombs'” — Daily Mail, May 3, 2012 – "'Unleash Hell': New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make 'ember bombs’”EMBER BOMBS

1 comment:

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

I heard R' Glazerson say that "homo***ualism (as he says it, like "communism" or "individualism" rather than -ity, as the word is generally - not sure if he knows the proper word or whether he's saying it to denote it as something of a social theory or belief system according to its practitioners), misjudgment in court and something about snakes are all connected to the holocaust of Israel in the codes.

I hope this helps. Shavua tov v'hodesh tov.

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