30 November 2016


A Message from the Temple Mount Faithful

During 2,000 years of exile filled with terrible persecutions, the Jewish people never ever forgot Jerusalem and the Holy Temple. Their prayers, their hearts and their eyes were continually directed towards the Holy Temple Mount and Jerusalem with petitions to their beloved G-D to redeem the Holy Temple Mount and Jerusalem from foreigners and to rebuild the Holy Temple. They even buried their deceased members with their faces positioned toward the Holy Temple Mount and Jerusalem, so that when the messiah comes, they will be ready to march back to Jerusalem. During the Holocaust when six million Jews were systematically murdered and their bodies taken to the crematories, they went to their deaths with the name of the Holy Temple and Jerusalem on their lips. The State of Israel was re-established in the year 1948 and the Holy Temple Mount and Jerusalem were liberated in 1967 by the G-D and people of Israel because we never forgot Jerusalem. Jerusalem became again and will be forever the eternal capital of the people of G-D, Israel.

“If any power or nation in the world, including the despicable anti-Israel United Nations organization, have any illusions that they can again rob Israel of the Holy Temple Mount, they will be bitterly disappointed”:



“And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem....So shall you know that I am the LORD your G-d dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and no strangers shall pass through her any more.”  Zechariah 12:9; Joel 4:17

Temple Mount Faithful

TENNESSEE – 'It's the apocalypse’ URGENT UPDATE

Two Arab arsonists were captured on Tuesday while they were lighting fires next to the Atarot industrial zone in northern Jerusalem.
Dov Bar Lieb of endofdays blog, has this to say: Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee is being considered for Sec. of State by Donald Trump; and senior Senator from Tennessee, Lamar Alexander, also has a very pro-Israel voting record. So I can't draw a connection between these fires in Tennessee and the ones here in Israel at this time. This requires more thought.


“‘Unleash Hell’: New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make ’ember bombs'” — Daily Mail, May 3, 2012 – "'Unleash Hell': New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make 'ember bombs’”

Notice the sign on left side, “Smoky Land Motel"

'It's the apocalypse'

"'It's the apocalypse': Burned out remains of Gatlinburg after thousands flee resort Tennessee towns as massive wildfire destroys homes and hotels. More than 14,000 people have been forced to evacuate from resort towns of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. Roughly 400 homes and structures were damaged, as there's 'little hope' for relief anytime soon. Four people suffered severe burns trying to evacuate and are hospitalized as no deaths have been reported. Westgate Resorts, a 16-story hotel and every cabin at Black Bear Falls is believed to have been destroyed. Schools in Green, McMinn and Sevier counties will are closed, and more than 12,000 people in Sevier County were without power as of early Tuesday morning.”   DailyMail

Gatlinburg Wildfires Force Evacuations: ‘It Was Like Driving Into Hell’

Extent of Tennessee Wildfire

NASA Tracking Wildfires. A running account of the fires plaguing America over the last three (3) months and earlier.

29 November 2016

Aerial Tour of the Temple Mount – Visualize the Third Beis

מה אומר לנו צמד המילים "הר הבית"? לא נעים, אבל התרגלנו לחשוב עליו כעל מוקד סכסוך. האסוציאציות הראשונות שעולות בראשנו ביחס אליו הן: "הר המריבה", "חבית חומר נפץ" ו"קיצוניים".
אתר "הר הקודש" בא להפגיש אותנו עם הר הבית, הר המוריה, הר הקודש - כפי שהוא באמת: מקום הנוגע עמוק בזהות היהודית של כולנו.

זה המקום שכל ההיסטוריה היהודית סובבת סביבו, בבניינו ובחורבנו: מאברהם אבינו ודוד המלך, דרך מגילת איכה, ועד מלחמת ששת-הימים.
זה המקום שבו עמד בית-המקדש קרוב לאלף שנה. מקום עבודת הכוהנים, שירת הלויים ושמחת עולי הרגל. במקום זה הסתובבו ופעלו מלכי ישראל, נביאיו וחכמיו.
פסגתו של המקום – אבן השתיה שבקודש הקודשים – היא מקום מנוחתו של ארון הברית. בתוך הארון מונחים שני הלוחות שניתנו למשה רבנו בהר סיני, ועליהם חרותים עשרת הדיברות.
זהו מקום הזכרונות והגעגועים של "אם אשכחך ירושלים", מקום השמחה "באומרים לי בית ה' נלך" ומקום העצב "על הר ציון ששמם". כמו הסולם בחלום יעקב, הוא המקום המחבר וקושר אותנו אל הארץ ואל השמים.
על פי המסורת, מהר הקודש נבראו העולם והאדם, והוא לב העולם: מעיין מים חיים ושער השמים. לפי חזון הנביאים עתיד המקום הזה להיות מוקד כלל אנושי לצדק ושלום עולמי.
במקום הזה הכול נפגש: הזמנים, התקופות, האדם עם סביבתו, עם עמו ועם עולמו, אדם עם נשמתו וכמובן – אדם עם א-לוהיו.

אתם מוזמנים לשוטט באתר, לפגוש את הר הקודש ממקום נקי וטהור כפי שאולי מעולם לא פגשתם, ולחוות את המפגשים המיוחדים הללו.

Click on the link below to take you to  Kenesset Member Uri Ariel as you are taken on a Virtual Tour of the Third Beis HaMikdash (click on arrow to begin the tour, then follow the diagram in upper right corner to synchronize)

Lets All Celebrate with Chabad

The Rebbe is surely smiling down on his Shluchim

The joy filled dancing of 5600 Lubavitchers at the conclusion of their Yearly Shluchim Gathering


UPDATE – North Dakota Pipeline – Lakota Indians – Wounded Knee

This map of South Dakota shows the Waterway that the Lakota Indians want to protect. It runs all the way into the Mississippi that feeds the entire middle America.

This map shows South Dakota and North Dakota and the waterway that feeds Middle America.

Vehicles and Weapons against the North Dakota Prayerful Water Protectors.

The North Dakota countryside.

The peaceful Prayerful Water Protectors up on the Ridge.

In the first photo are (above with black arrows) vehicles illegal for these roads; Sonic Weapons (that shoot sonic waves to make the people sick); and a 50 cal machine gun perched on a armored Humvee vehicle – a rotating turic(?). WHY WOULD THEY NEED A MACHINE GUN AGAINST THESE PEACEFUL PRAYERFUL WATER PROTECTORS

All this brought to mind the earlier episodes 
of genocide against the indigenous 
American Indian Tribes gathered at Wounded Knee. 

Genocides in American History:
"WIKIPEDIA – Over the course of more than four centuries from the 1490s into the 1900s, Europeans and white Americans "engaged in an unbroken string of genocide campaigns against the native peoples of the Americas."[47] The indigenous peoples of the Americas have experienced massacres, torture, terror, sexual abuse, systematic military occupations, removals of Indigenous peoples from their ancestral territories, forced removal of Native American children to military-like boarding schools, allotment, and a policy of termination.”

The Peaceful Prayerful Water Protectors 
on the North Dakota Ridge are 
Lakota Indians, together with 
other Tribes of the area.

Wounded Knee Massacre
The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29, 1890,[4] near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S. state of South Dakota. The Lakota People (Teton Sioux) included Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Red Cloud, Black Elk, Spotted Tail, and Billy Mills.

And what does this have to do with 

According to their ancient prophecies (7 of which have already occurred), Chief Crazy Horse said that after the “Black Snake" (#8, which is the pipeline), comes "CHARCOAL FROM THE SKY AFTER A HUGE FLASH(#9)

Entertain Your Imagination


28 November 2016


Reversing Alzheimer’s with Probiotics?

For the past several years I have been writing and lecturing about the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and changes in the gut bacteria. We know, for example, that Alzheimer’s is an inflammatory condition. As well, we know that changes in gut bacteria enhance inflammation. So it seemed quite reasonable to assume that damage to, and loss of diversity in, gut bacteria could hasten brain degeneration so characteristic of Alzheimer’s. We know, for example, that loss of diversity in the gut organisms as measured in populations in various countries correlates to increased prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in those countries, as was so eloquently described in my Empowering Neurologist interview with Dr. Molly Fox.

But now it’s time to look at this issue in another way. Let’s ask this question: if damage to the gut bacteria relates to worsening of the brain in Alzheimer’s disease, could restoration of good bacteria using probiotics help the situation? This is quite a question when you think about the implications of what this might mean for the more than 40 million individuals around the world suffering from a disease for which there is no treatment.

Well, we may well have an answer to this compelling question, and it’s really great news. Researchers publishing in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience took a group of elderly Alzheimer’s patients and studied them for 12 weeks. Each participant underwent a test for mental function called the mini-mental status exam (MMSE), a standardized cognitive assessment used worldwide. They also underwent a blood test called highly sensitive c-reactive protein (hs-CRP), a powerful marker of inflammation. These tests were then repeated after 12 weeks.

The study evaluated 60 patients, half of whom were given a placebo, while the other half consumed a probiotic milk containing the probiotic species, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Lactobacillus fermentum.

The results of the study were stunning. The placebo group showed an increase in hs-CRP, the inflammation marker, by an impressive 45%. In the group taking the probiotic, on the other hand, hs-CRP didn’t just stay the same, but actually declined by 18% indicating a dramatic reduction in inflammation.

But here’s the truly exciting news. Over the 12 weeks, the patients in the placebo continued to decline mentally, as you might expect. Their MMSE score dropped from 8.47 to 8.00, a substantial reduction. But the group on the inflammation reducing probiotics actually demonstrated, not a decline in brain function, but an actual improvement, with their MMSE scores going from 8.67 up to 10.57, and that’s a huge improvement. Again, not only was their mental decline stopped in it’s tracks, these individuals regained brain function!

The message here is that inflammation is directly determined by the health and diversity of our gut bacteria, and this has major implications in terms of brain health, function, and disease resistance. Recognizing that inflammation is the mechanism underlying not just Alzheimer’s disease, but Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and even cancer means that the findings in this report may have wide implications.

One thing’s for sure. We’ve got to do everything we can to support the health and diversity of our gut bacteria, and we’ve got to absolutely stay on top of this emerging research that may finally open the door to a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.


Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on Cognitive Function and Metabolic Status in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized, Double-Blind and Controlled Trial - See more: Double Blind Controlled Trial


Dr Perlmutter


UPDATE TO North Dakota Tribal Gathering in Protest to the construction of an Oil Pipeline


WSO Nov 27 - Police Announce Deadline to Leave 
(Before they Start ……….)

27 November 2016



Al-Qaeda linked Palestinian militant group 'claims responsibility' for devastating Haifa fires which have cost thousands of Israeli families everything. See Reuters photo:

From the Jewish Press: 

They Are Trying to Burn Jews and the World is Silent AGAIN! (thank you Meir, a commenter on Years of Awe (Reb Dov bar Lieb’s blog)

From Rav Glazerson:

I have trouble understanding Rav Glazerson in some of his videos; however, in this video he speaks about "A THREAT - HOLOCAUST TO ISRAEL IN BIBLE CODE” On November 20, could this have been a warning about the FIRES that were to envelop our precious Eretz Yisrael?

From First Person Report:

"Yaakov Lehman, another friend in Beit Meir, reports:
At around 2 am Thursday night, terrorists set fire to my small mountain village of Beit Meir. They lit multiple blazes, surrounding the only exit from our moshav with a gulf of flames. As you can imagine, this made it exceedingly difficult for myself, my pregnant wife, and two kids to escape to safety. We, along with our neighbors, were trapped. After about an hour of harrowing confusion, firefighters managed to clear a path for the 100 families of Beit Meir to flee the inferno. I watched as dozens of righteous firefighters and police faded into the smokey distance of my rear view mirror. We fled to Beit Shemesh, and were warmly taken in at 3:30am by an unceasingly kind family. The forest is a sea of fire. I don't know if I will have a house to return to. Pray for us."

Well it seems the more you dig the worse it gets:

“‘Unleash Hell’: New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make ’ember bombs'” — Daily Mail, May 3, 2012 – "'Unleash Hell': New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make 'ember bombs’”EMBER BOMBS

How Close Are We to Rambam’s Yemot HaMashiach?

I originally saw a reference to this article and others by R. Gidon Rothstein on yerenanyaakov  (sourced from: TorahMusings) and in light of recent terrorist tactics and the attempted burning of Israelis via terror arsonists, we need to examine our Torah Sages for hints and understandings about what this all means in light our nearing the Geula and the arrival of Mashiach. The other topic of urgent concern is our relationship to the Erev Rav and the Erev Zeir in this time of upheaval*. The fight with them will intensify, and the government will continue to not recognize their deleterious actions. Therefore, this is the first of a series about the days we are living in:

ESPECIALLY AFTER THIS:  Al-Qaeda linked Palestinian militant group 'claims responsibility' for devastating Haifa fires which have cost thousands of Israeli families everything  Palestinian Salafist group Ma’sadat al-Mujahideen has claimed that it was behind the blazes

How Close Are We To Rambam’s Yemot HaMashiach?
by R. Gidon Rothstein

Welcome to a new series for Torah Musings, discussing views of the Messianic era in Jewish thought. I don’t intend to be comprehensive; rather, by comparing Rambam’s view (which we can cover in one week), some of what Abarbanel had to say about that time (another week), and moving on to an extended engagement with Maharal’s ideas, I think and hope that we will get some sense of the possibilities for what Jews are meant to expect and long for in the future.

Since Rambam is famously rationalist, and came first, let’s look at how he described it. One of the striking aspects of his picture, to me, is the extent to which parts of it have already come to fruition, in ways that might have seemed hopelessly utopian or naïve just a century ago.

We’ll start with his Mishnah commentary, the earlier of the works where he describes this time at some length.

Introduction to Chelek, a Powerful and Remarkable King Messiah

One of the later chapters of Sanhedrin (the last in the Gemara, second to last in the Mishnah) opens with a list of those who forfeit their share in the World to Come. In an introduction t famous for many reasons (and which amply rewards careful study and repeat readings), Rambam explains some concepts that seem blurrily similar, such as the Messianic era, Resurrection of the Dead, and the World to Come.

The days of the Messiah, he says, are when a Jewish king will again rule the Jewish people, and they will return to the Land of Israel. [He seems to imply that malchut, kingship, will return before all the Jews. Especially considering that important rabbis of the early State suggested that a Jewish government qualifies as malchut without melech, rule without a king, and that this happened long before several waves of immigration that we’ve already seen—Yemenite, Ethiopian, Russian—this part of Rambam’s words seem to be coming true before our eyes].

This king will rule from Zion, and his fame will be more widespread than Shlomo HaMelech’s. All nations will make peace with him, serving him because of his great righteousness [notice the ideal being expressed—they won’t serve him for political or strategic expedience, they will respect his righteousness]. Hashem will destroy anyone who does stand against him, giving them into this king’s hands.

Messiah Is Not the End, in Either Sense

Other than that, the world will continue. There will be strong and weak, but productivity gains will make earning a living significantly easier [this is again a remarkable prediction, in that basic necessities are today much easier to produce than in Rambam’s time; people work hard today, but that’s because they want much more than was seen as necessary back then. To live at Rambam’s standard of living today takes almost insignificant amounts of money].

The greatest benefit of that time, Rambam says, is that evil kingdoms that stop us from doing what’s right will no longer exist. The world will improve, everyone will have greater knowledge, wars will end, and people will achieve their maximum perfection.

That will be a continuing process, however. Mashiach will rule a long time, then die, and his son and grandson and descendants will rule in their turn [he implies that perfection is a goal never fully achieved, so that people can spend many generations working on it, even in a world where no one is evil, and material wealth is easily achieved].

People will live longer [as we do today], because they won’t have worries or troubles [there is evidence for Rambam’s certainty that stress is a significant contributing factor to disease and death. Were stress really to be erased by plenty and righteousness, it’s more than reasonable that lifespans would increase more than we today imagine.]

The reason to long for this time is that it will afford the fullest opportunity to maximize our potential, to grow to our greatest knowledge of Torah and our Creator, thus earning ourselves the best place we can achieve in the World to Come.

That’s as far as he goes in the introduction to Chelek. He takes up these themes twice in Mishneh Torah, however, enriching our sense of his view of the Messianic era.

Hilchot Teshuvah: Messianic Times as a Time of Perfect Repentance

The first of those is in the later parts of Laws of Repentance. Towards the end of the eighth chapter, he contrasts yemot haMashiach, Messianic times, with the World to Come. The latter is unknowable (for all that our tradition longs for it), but yemot haMashiach has been predicted by the prophets, in a way that presents a bit of a challenge for his view of the goal of observance, knowledge of Hashem.

If that’s true, he opens the ninth chapter by asking, how come the Torah and prophets promised material rewards for proper observance? He answers that they’re a means to an end, giving us the wherewithal, peace of mind, physical health, financial security, and political and military independence to build our readiness for the World to Come (or, if we don’t keep the Torah and receive the threatened punishments, they make the end of achieving the World to Come more difficult to achieve; that’s part of the punishment).

[ME: The recent video of Rabbi Glazerson and the Torah Codes, on the same page, links the fires, winds, Mashiach and Nibiru. An interesting eye-opener. See link below.]

The Messiah will be the king who leads us to take full advantage of these promises, to act in ways that they are completely fulfilled, giving us the best chance to be our best selves, a prophet almost like Moshe, as wise as Shlomo.

Laws of Kings

That aspect of Mashiach came up in a discussion of repentance because Rambam had to explain how physical rewards fit into his view of the results of our acting properly. But since the central figure of that time is a king, the Laws of Kings returns to discuss the king Mashiach as well.

There, in the eleventh chapter, Rambam repeats his view that there will be little supernatural, that he will restore Davidic kingship [I recently started studying Tzitz Eliezer’s remarkable Hilchot Medinah, Laws of a State, a book he published in 5712/1952; there, he notes sources that suggest that Davidic kingship might return before Mashiach, and also that Rambam in a letter to the Jews of Yemen seemed to think Mashiach would perform miracles. Here, Rambam clearly does not; Tzitz Eliezer assumes he changed his mind].

Mashiach will also restore observance of all the Torah, including the offering of sacrifices [I see Rambam’s including this example as strong evidence he was sincere about his belief in the return of sacrifice. While some read him as seeing no continuing value in sacrifices, there is no reason for him to mention it here unless he really thought it would happen.]

Another example he gives is that arei miklat, cities of refuge, will be set up again, since the Torah speaks of there one day being nine such cities, which has not yet happened. [This is a Rambam close to my heart because it provided a key plot point to my novel, Murderer in the Mikdash. I also note that the existence of cities of refuge implies there will be both intentional and nonintentional murder.]

Identifying Mashiach

Here, Rambam also gives us a way to identify Mashiach, since he does not believe he will reveal himself by performing miracles. Rather, if a Davidic king arises, who studies and is invested in Torah, occupies himself with mitzvot like his forefather David, and brings the Jews to observance [Rambam writes ve-yachuf, which most simply means “coerces.” But there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and I can imagine a king “coercing” observance gently and subtly as well], he will be the presumptive Mashiach.

If he then succeeds at rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash, and gathering the scattered Jewish people, he will be Mashiach for sure [note his comfort with Mashiach arriving without our recognizing it, and not being confirmed as Mashiach until much later in his career, after he’s rebuilt the Temple and finally ingathered the exiles].

The Unknowns of the Arrival

In 12;2 of Laws of Kings, he says the simple reading of Tanach is that there will be a big war before Mashiach comes, as well as a prophet arising who will return the people to Hashem and bring peace to the world [in this version, it’s the prophet, identified in Tanach as Eliyahu but Rambam is not adamant that it must be him, who brings peace, not Mashiach].

All these issues won’t be fully known until they come to fruition, because Tanach is unclear about the details and we have no tradition about it. But it doesn’t matter, he says, because the specifics are not essential to observance, nor do they bring us to fear or love of Hashem (the real goals). Rather, people shouldn’t spend too much time trying to unravel these aggadic issues, but wait believingly for it to unfold [in our times, we might say people can contribute to its unfolding in some ways, even if we don’t know the path the future will take].

One function Mashiach will perform is establishing lineage, using the divine spirit within him to identify kohanim and Levi’im, as well as those who are not, who will become regular Jews. He’ll also identify the tribes, but will not “out” mamzerim or slaves who have mixed in to the Jewish people. [Rambam speaks of ruach hakodesh, and he does expect Mashiach to be a prophet, but it still seems odd that Eliyahu could not do this prophetically and Mashiach could. I wonder whether “divine spirit” here might mean something more natural looking, such as his finding a way to identify lineage that, once discovered, seems natural. Like a genetic marker.].

He closes with another reminder that the goal of all this is the opportunity, environment, and inclination to work on our service of Hashem, to improve ourselves as much as possible.


Rambam’s Mashiach and Messianic era is naturalistic and rationalistic, as we expected going in. But it’s not devoid of the supernatural. He expects Mashiach to be a prophet, and is comfortable with another prophet preceding the Arrival, even that that prophet could be Eliyahu.

It will be a time of a fully restored Jewish halachic state, with all the laws of the Torah in place (eventually), life spans extended, and the world as a whole joining in the great project of finding their way to better and better service of God. Certainly an attractive model, much of which it seems to me we have already merited. But it’s not the final word, as we plan to see in the weeks to come.

The Abarbanel’s View of Yemot HaMashiach
Abarbanel’s View of Yemot HaMashiach
Changes in the World and the King Who Will Inaugurate Them
Abarbanel’s View of Armageddon (Yeshayahu 18)


Al-Qaeda linked Palestinian militant group 'claims responsibility' for devastating Haifa fires which have cost thousands of Israeli families everything

(thanks to Meir, a commenter on (Reb Dov Bar Lieb’s blog) – They Are Trying to Burn Jews ….and The World is Silent AGAIN!

I have trouble understanding Rav Glazerson in some of his videos; however, in this video he speaks about "A THREAT - HOLOCAUST TO ISRAEL IN BIBLE CODE”( On November 20, could this have been a warning about the FIRES that were to envelop our precious Eretz Yisrael?

Other readings from yeranenyaakov blog:

The Aishtafada Arab Arson Terror

Fire on My Mind

And from AbsoluteTruth about Mashiach and NIBIRU:
Sign of Mashiach - Fires - Natural Disasters in bible code from Rav Glazerson. This table [] happens to be exactly where the Torah tells us about the Star of Jacob, Nibiru. It is all coming together, B”H.

By the Light and Heat of Fires of Haifa


"Yaakov Lehman, another friend in Beit Meir, reports:
At around 2 am Thursday night, terrorists set fire to my small mountain village of Beit Meir. They lit multiple blazes, surrounding the only exit from our moshav with a gulf of flames.
As you can imagine, this made it exceedingly difficult for myself, my pregnant wife, and two kids to escape to safety. We, along with our neighbors, were trapped.
After about an hour of harrowing confusion, firefighters managed to clear a path for the 100 families of Beit Meir to flee the inferno. I watched as dozens of righteous firefighters and police faded into the smokey distance of my rear view mirror.
We fled to Beit Shemesh, and were warmly taken in at 3:30am by an unceasingly kind family.
The forest is a sea of fire. I don't know if I will have a house to return to.
Pray for us."

Well it seems the more you dig the worse it gets:

“‘Unleash Hell’: New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make ’ember bombs'” — Daily Mail, May 3, 2012 – "'Unleash Hell': New Al Qaeda magazine describes in detail how to start huge forest fires across the U.S..with instructions on how to make 'ember bombs’”EMBER BOMBS

26 November 2016

Watch This Magnificent FireBall in the Heavens

I have tried to make it mute as watching is the purpose:

Watch this FireBall in the Sky in its iratic movements. If it were possible to catch a ‘still’ and direct it to see the features more distinctly, I think one would be amazed. Go FULL SCREEN and try to see its components – a ball in the center with objects spinning around it and a  ring of debris surrounding all.

25 November 2016

Parshas Chayei Sarah

By Roy S. Neuberger

“Yitzchak instituted the mincha prayer, as it is stated, ‘And Yitzchak went out to speak in the field toward evening.’ (Beraishis 24:63) ‘Speech’ [in this verse] means nothing other than prayer….” (Berachos 26b)

“And Rabbi Chelbo said in the name of Rav Huna, a person should always be diligent with regard to the Mincha prayer, for Eliahu (Hanovi) was answered only through the Mincha prayer.” (Berachos 6b)

Why is Mincha so crucial?

“Whereas the morning service takes place before the beginning of the day’s work, and the evening prayer after its conclusion, Mincha is placed right in the middle of one’s professional activities, and a special effort is required to tear oneself away from them to pray. There are, therefore, numerous injunctions lest the prayer be omitted through preoccupation with other undertakings that require time and concentration.” (The World of Prayer, Rabbi Elie Munk)

In the days when I was (trying to be!) a hedge fund manager, I rented space from a group of fine young observant Yidden who really did know what they were doing. One of the glories of our office was a crowded mincha minyan which brought tremendous kedusha to our office every afternoon. It elevated our work from the deadening grind of “b’zaias apecha tochal lechem … by the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread,” (Beraishis 3:19) to a madreiga on which we remembered that we were servants of the Ribono shel Olam. (Another glory of our office was that inappropriate language was never heard there.)

I am privileged to know an amazing Jew by the name of Judge Moshe Hakohain Ritholtz, who has served on the Supreme Court of the County of Queens, New York since 2001. “Shofet Moshe” is, without exaggeration, a living Kiddush Hashem. I was privileged to visit his courtroom recently and I was awed by what I saw.

He presides on the bench wearing a yarmulke. He is not afraid to be a Jew, and I saw that he is respected by all who appear in his courtroom, including the guards and clerks. Not only does he obviously know the law, but it is clear that he is attempting to help people reach settlements, to bring peace where there has been conflict, justice where there has been injustice. When citizens see a man wearing a yarmulke administering justice with fairness and compassion, they venerate the Name of G-d.

Judge Ritholtz does not joke on the bench, but in private he is extremely funny. As he says, he learned at “pun-evich.” The amazing part is that he actually did learn in Ponevezh for two years and became close to many godolim before he went into the field of law.

One of his greatest joys is the mincha minyan which convenes daily in his chambers. He told me that there are regular attendees who never daven Shacharis or maariv, but – because of this minyan – they are proud to stand in front of the Ribono shel Olam and daven mincha every day. What a zechus! A judge’s chambers on Sutphin Boulevard in Jamaica, Queens is transformed into a mikdash me’at! Each day the clientele varies, but Yidden know that, in what would otherwise be a spiritual wilderness, there is an enclave of kedusha, just the way Yitzchak Avinu stood in a field as the sun edged toward the horizon and drew down kedusha into the world.

When I first became observant, some forty two years ago, I worked as an editor at the Long Island Press, a large daily paper whose offices were not far from Sutphin Boulevard. There is today very little Yiddishkeit in this area, although when I worked there in 1974, the Yeshiva of Central Queens was still located nearby and there was a beautiful store named House of Israel just off Jamaica Avenue. The proprietors were tzaddikim named Reb Avraham Gross and Reb Menashe Weissman. They became my mentors, helping this neophyte baal teshuva figure out what seforim to buy for his library. They sold me yarmulkes, tzitzis and tefillin as I found my path into the world of Torah. These were the days before Artscroll, but there was a new English-Hebrew Prayer Book called the Birnbaum Siddur, and that was my path into davening, along with the Hertz Chumash and the old blue edition of the Chumash with Rashi published by the Jewish Publication Society of Philadelphia.

All these things happened in Jamaica, Queens on such streets as Jamaica Avenue and Sutphin Boulevard. A funny thought occurred to me. What kind of name is “Sutphin?” I learned that it is of Dutch origin, but that wasn’t good enough; I wanted to know the “real meaning.” Every name and place echoes what goes on in Shomayim.

So I thought about it. What happens when an empty place is illuminated by the light of Torah? What happens when the earth is transformed by the presence of Holy Jews? Suddenly, the Presence of G-d is revealed. As Yaakov Avinu says, “Surely Hashem is present in this place and I did not know.” (Beraishis 28:16)

When that happens, the Satan is vanquished and Torah rules. I realized that, because of the kedusha here, “Sutphin” must really be “Sat-fin,” which means “Sat(an is) fin(ished)!”

Pardon the attempt at humor, but I guess I also learned in “pun-evich!”

In reality, it is a very serious matter. When Am Yisroel is unafraid to embrace Torah, then the Satan will be vanquished and the Light of Torah will illuminate the world! As we say every morning, “Ohr chadash al Tzion ta’ir … May You shine a new light on Tzion and may we all speedily merit its light.” We owe a debt to our holy brothers and sisters who are not afraid to be “m’kadaish Shaim Shomayim.” When we follow their example, the Shechina will appear once again, and a new day will dawn in which “the knowledge of G-d (will fill) the world as the sea fills the ocean bed.” (Yeshiah 11:9)

Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at
© Copyright 2016 by Roy S. Neuberger

Vintage Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Psychology Of The Mind And The Soul Series #1

24 November 2016

North Dakota Pipeline Report #3

North Dakota Pipeline Report #3
North Dakota Tribal Gathering in Protest to the construction of an Oil Pipeline

The Prophecy and how it possibly relates to NIBIRU (A spiritual thing that is going to take place). Lakota Spiritual Leader David Swallow speaks of the prophecies of Crazy Horse, how to prepare for the coming changes and being connected.


In the case of the North Dakota Access Pipeline, sacred ancestral land and clean drinking water is at stake. In the case of the Yawanawá, two million square miles of rainforest in the Amazon are now under threat from deforestation. Both tribes are at odds with the dominant economic system.

The goal to pass on the Yawanawá language is intentional because it contains a relationship unique to their land base. There is a documented correlation between the number of human languages present in an ecosystem, and the number of thriving animal and plant species. According to National Geographic, one language dies every 14 days. By the next century, nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin, Spanish or in the case of the Yawanawá, Portuguese. What more is lost when a language is exterminated?

What is transpiring at the North Dakota Access pipeline is a battle of mindsets. A battle of narratives. The worldview of the Yawanawá, and of the tribes unified around the North Dakota Access Pipeline are unique. Their conflict is urgent. They are protesting—and performing—for their lives.

*The “Elders” of the Tribes relate a story about a catastrophe foretold, and their taking a stand is to protect the waterways and the natural environment so that AFTER THIS CATASTROPHE (NIBIRU) there will be fresh water for the people. (Black Snake Prophecy)

Showdown at Standing Rock Is Not Just About the Dakota Access Pipeline The Sioux are not alone among indigenous people pushing for the rights and protections they've long been denied

CNN, Mainstream TV News Continues Ignoring Dakota Access Pipeline. A lazy mainstream media propagates false narratives based on second-hand sources

Standing Rock offers chance to get Thanksgiving right

North Dakota Pipeline Report #2

North Dakota Pipeline Report #2
North Dakota Tribal Gathering in Protest to the construction of an Oil Pipeline

Report #3 has a fascinating video not to be missed

Showdown at Standing Rock Is Not Just About the Dakota Access Pipeline
The Sioux are not alone among indigenous people pushing for the rights and protections they've long been denied

What began as a legal battle between the Sioux Tribe and the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline has turned into a movement that suggests something bigger is brewing.

Sunday night at Standing Rock in North Dakota, police injured as many as 300 protesters leaving at least one young woman in critical condition, and at least 26 people seeking medical care at nearby hospitals, according to the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council. The police attack on an estimated 400 people included a barrage of rubber bullets, tear gas, concussion grenades, and pelts of icy water despite the freezing temperatures. At least 16 people were arrested on Monday after continued demonstrations.

Kendrick Eagle, 23, raises his 4 brothers on his own. In 2014 he met President Obama on the Standing Rock reservation where he lives. Listen to the beautiful, heartfelt message he has for Obama as Standing Rock and the world fight to secure clean water for his generation and all those to follow. (see video: Kendrick Eagle Message to Obama)

For months, the North Dakota Access Pipeline has been protested by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 other tribes from across the United States. Many non-Natice activists have joined as allies, including environmentalist and founder of Bill McKibben, who is urging the American public to pay attention by reporting through his personal twitter page.

Over 300 cities around the world have joined the resistance in protest and outspoken solidarity. The refrain of the protest is simple: clean water is not a political issue. It’s a right—a global human right.

In 2015, NASA’s satellite data revealed that 21 of the world’s 37 large aquifers are severely water-stressed. The UN estimates one fifth of the world’s population already lives in water-stressed conditions. The New York Times recently reported that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will give grants totaling $1 billion in 13 states to help communities adapt to climate change, by building stronger levees, dams, and drainage systems. From the contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan to the escalated urgency of the North Dakota Access Pipeline protests, this reality means problems surrounding clean water access are not likely to fade away quietly.

The outcome of this battle, and the way it gets told, may set the stage for similar environmental and humanitarian disputes yet to come.

Black Snake Prophecy Happening NOW - Standing Rock

To Read More on this, please go to
*The “Elders” of the Tribes relate a story about a catastrophe foretold, and their taking a stand is to protect the waterways and the natural environment so that AFTER THIS CATASTROPHE (NIBIRU) there will be fresh water for the people. (Black Snake Prophecy)

Showdown at Standing Rock Is Not Just About the Dakota Access Pipeline The Sioux are not alone among indigenous people pushing for the rights and protections they've long been denied

CNN, Mainstream TV News Continues Ignoring Dakota Access Pipeline. A lazy mainstream media propagates false narratives based on second-hand sources

23 November 2016

WSO - Nov 21 - North Dakota Pipeline Report #1

WSO - Nov 21 - North Dakota Pipeline Report #1 (Report #2 to Follow)  North Dakota Tribal Gathering in Protest to the construction of an Oil Pipeline AND HOW IT RELATES TO *NIBIRU

Steve explains that these Indian Tribes are gathered to save the natural resources in this area of America – as their **PROPHECY – concerning NIBIRU.

Seeing the front line today in North Dakota - it became very clear to me that the elites will use any force to stop the cause of peace. On the one side, a peaceful camp where I heard elders rebuke the young for lack of prayer, contrasted with the authorities with guns, tanks, helicopters - yep, we are fighting for the very soul of our world.

16 Arrested at North Dakota Pipeline Protest. Native Americans from scores of tribes have been gathering since April outside Cannon Ball — a town in south-central North Dakota, near the South Dakota border — to protest the Dakota Access pipeline. Starting with members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, the protest has since grown to several hundred people (estimates vary), most of them from Native American tribes across the country.

Members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe see the pipeline as a major environmental and cultural threat. They say its route traverses ancestral lands — which are not part of the reservation — where their forebears hunted, fished and were buried. They say historical and cultural reviews of the land where the pipeline will be buried were inadequate. They also worry about catastrophic environmental damage if the pipeline were to break near where it crosses under the Missouri River.

But pipeline spills and ruptures occur regularly. Sometimes the leaks are small, and sometimes they are catastrophic gushers. In 2013, a Tesoro Logistics pipeline in North Dakota broke open and spilled 865,000 gallons of oil onto a farm. In 2010, an Enbridge Energy pipeline dumped more than 843,000 gallons of oil into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, resulting in a cleanup that lasted years and cost more than a billion dollars, according to Inside Climate News.

“We need our state and federal governments to bring justice and peace to our lands, not the force of armored vehicles,” said Dave Archambault II, the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

“We have repeatedly seen a disproportionate response from law enforcement to water protectors’ nonviolent exercise of their constitutional rights.”

COMMENT FROM AN AMERICAN INDIAN ABOUT THE PIPELINE (with reference to the Globalists and President Elect Trump):

I am Lenape Indian, God bless you Steve, but you must listen to your heart and mother earth, and God. You were sent there for a purpose. The oil industry is really Getty out of hand all over the US. We live here in NJ and off shore drilling is hear [here] with neighborhoods fighting the pipelines through their neighborhoods. Oklahoma fracking has caused earthquakes the list goes on. This stand represents more then just the American Indians, it what happening to America by the Globalist. And I cannot help but think that their military forces their also are trying to breakup this self governing Indian nation within the US to fit the Globalist Agenda. If Trump wants to make American Great Again he begin hear by doing the right thing, by protecting and preserving their heritage and water. investments or not. How can these men sleep well at night doing these human indignities to peaceful people. Evil will not prevail and their money will be made by blood not by hard working Americans.

*The “Elders” of the Tribes relate a story about a catastrophe foretold, and their taking a stand is to protect the waterways and the natural environment so that AFTER THIS CATASTROPHE there will be fresh water for the people.

**Ancient Native Prophecy of the Black Snake is happening at this very moment. This is number 8 of 9 Hopi & Lakota Prophecies. The first 7 have all come into fruition. It is of the utmost importance that you watch, share and get involved now for the future of our water and all of humanity is at stake right now.

Right now thousands of natives and others have come together to stop the black snake Dakota Access Pipeline from crossing over the Missouri river into the land of the Lakota Indians. According to prophecy if the black snake crosses the river into the land the waters will be poisoned and it will mark off the end of the world. They do not call themselves protestors but instead they are the water protectors. They are protecting your water and your future so you must not sit there, you must get involved. If you at all care about the future of your children and grandchildren.

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