06 February 2025

האם ישראל תמשיך להלחם במלחמות של ארה״ב בשבילם? / Will Israel Continue to Fight America's Wars for them


האם ישראל תמשיך להלחם במלחמות של ארה״ב בשבילם? / Will Israel Continue to Fight America's Wars for them 

Partial Video Transcript:
0:09 Shannon Bream: also have both [with Senator Fedderman (D-PA)] signed on to this resolution with regard to Iran's nuclear program. Part of that resolution says that all options should be considered. You and I have had this conversation about whether you mean a U. S. military strike in Iran. What do you mean? What are you urging President Trump to keep open as an option?

00:27 Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC): We're trying to define the world in which we live in. Accurately Senator Fedderman has been a champion for the State of Israel. I went to him, and asked him, "Would you work with me to do a sense of the Senate resolution saying that 'over decades Iran has been trying to acquire nuclear weapon, not a nuclear power plant, that they're the largest state sponsor of terrorism, that they would blow Israel off the map if they had a nuclear weapon, they would come after us," and he said, "I would be glad to."

So what this resolution does, it lays out the case against Iran's nuclear ambition. Bibi and the Israelis are going to have to make a decision relatively soon, what to do about the Iran nuclear program. This is not an authorization to use force. But I am here to tell you, and the audience in the world, that I think America should support an effort by Israel, if they decide uh to decimate the Iranian nuclear program, because that's a I think it's a threat to mankind. Israel is strong Iran is weak. Hezbollah, Hamas have been decimated. They're not finished off, but they've been weakened, and there's an opportunity to hit the Iran nuclear program in a fashion I haven't seen in decades and I think it would be in the world's interest for us to decimate the Iranian nuclear threat while we can if we don't, we will regret it later and Senator Fedderman has been a champion on this, and every other issue regarding Israel.

1:56 Bream: Okay. So it sounds like you're saying it's more supporting Israel if they decide to strike, versus us having a U. S. military strike

2:06 Graham: Now yes they need some assistance but it would be their actions.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Threat to mankind? So, then why doesn't the U. S. step up? It was the fault of past U. S. presidents, most recently Obama and Biden, that we are in this mess in the first place.

I will tell you why, and I have said it before. The lives of Israeli soldiers are cheaper than those of American soldiers. The lives of Jews lives are cheaper than the lives of Christian. 

If Iran retaliates, we Jews are on the front line. We may have a 12 minute warning; whereas the U. S. will have much longer to try to save themselves, especially those outside of major metropolitan areas, who are prepared, in other words Christians.

But we are not only expected to fight America's wars, we are expected to clean up their mess.

Furthermore, no matter what you think of Prime Minister Netanyahu, Sen. Graham has no business referring to a sitting prime minister by his nickname. What? He's trying to show American Jews that they're buddies? Unacceptable and condescending.

Trump's Gaza Plan
Now President Trump wants to "temporarily" take over Gaza, and turn it into the Riviera of the Middle East. I have been warning about U. S. troops on the ground in Israel, and since 2005.

And who is going to pay for this Riviera?

This strikes me as exactly something a Neo-Con like former President Bush, Vice-President Chenney, and Paul Wolfowitz would come up with.

America's leftist media is crying "American Imperialism," and they are not wrong.

In ideal circumstances, it is forbidden for us to allow the non-Jews to obtain any foothold on the Land, OUR Land.

If the right-wing MKs and their hasbarite (PR for Israel people) lackeys who are praising the Trump plan do not accept this as Torah, can they at least accept that give Arabs a flourishing economy with the borders of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) is at least not Zionist?

I am begninning to wonder what this word Zionism is even supposed to mean these days. It has certainly been hijacked and redefined more than I care to imagine. It no longer seems to mean the concept of the Land of Israel for the People of Israel.

It seems that these MKs have only read the part of about finishing off Hamas, and remove live ordinances. Or perhaps English-speaking hasbarites are the ones who selectively fed them information about the plan.  

And will happen to our brothers and sisters still being held hostage by Hamas, now that this plan has been made public?

This is what happens when we become overly dependent on our so-called allies, and do not stand on our own two feet, or even attempt to move in the direction of true independence.

The only potentially positive thing that could come of this, is that Saudi Arabia's joining of the Abraham Accords will be delayed, as they are unwilling to normalize relations with Israel, unless the establishment of a Palestinian Pseudostinianstate is agreed to. This would be difficult as long as the U. S. controls any territory the Arabs lay claim to.

Still happy that Trump is YOUR president? 

Isn't it time to put the pom-poms down.

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