04 February 2025

Disengage, Disembowel and Defenestrate Going Feiglin one better.

When the followers of Czech religious revolutionary Jan Hus found their political leaders distasteful, they simply threw them out.


Out the window.

The Czech genius resides precisely in the practice of defenestration, a pastime in which they engaged on numerous occasions over the course of their 500 year history.

And while we don't consider ourselves Hussites in any way, nor identify with their avoda zara, we can admit to an affinity with the group’s most direct and refreshing method of expressing its dissatisfaction.

And yes, perhaps some of that “religious” zeal that prompted them to act, too.

Pinchas to the rescue!

Day follows night.
The seed rots before rooting.

And the birth pangs eventually deliver a new life.

And with that in mind, we turn to Moshe Feiglin, Israeli Prime Ministerial wannabe, whose campaign to lead the zionists into a zionist utopia by way of the zionist parliament with the support of pureblood religious zionists, has developed the following slogan to usher in their election victory —

Occupation, Deportation and Settlement [כיבוש, גירוש והתיישבות]

OK, so on face it's all quite reasonable-sounding, and certainly fits well with the messianic Jewish plan.

But as we outlined HERE, it also faces a single insurmountable hurdle.

And that is…

That  the State of Israel will not be involved in the attainment of the prophetic messianic vision.

Or, to put it more bluntly — only when the State of Israel disintegrates, will the salvation of the Jews arise.

And there's no need to fear it, either.

So, what will happen to all those zionist enterprises and institutions, and all their associated paper-pusher bureaucrats when the state finally melts?

We don't know.

Hashem will judge them, as He will the rest of us, and they’ll eventually cease to be, as we all will, one way or another.

But until then, we would only caution the current Erev Rav regime and its supporters that the Jews are becoming increasingly perturbed with their behavior.  [ed. me]

And knowing how way leads on to whey, perturbation — if left on the heat for too long — can quickly morph into a righteous Pinchasian rage.

The Jews have disengaged.

And more are withdrawing all the time.

So, before they move on to the next phase, G-d forbid, and take matters into their own hands, someone might remind our (aspiring) leaders of the broken glass of Prague.

And the religious revolution it spawned.

Dean Maughvet

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