04 December 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Appreciating Hashem & Other People; plus Update from Singapore

 In this week's Torah class we learned penetrating insights from the Midrash, the Gemara, and Sefer Habris about the distorted attitudes people often have about others, and why it is so difficult to be generally happy and grateful.  Along the way I added some sharp commentary about the lack of gratitude and sense of entitlement people display during dating, and the implications of this phenomenon.

The recording is available here.

Tomorrow at approximately 4:10 PM Israel time (a few minutes later than usual) will be my monthly Amalek and Erev Rav Program.  I will be joined by Rabbi Raphael Szendro, who will be taking corrupt, vaccine-pushing Baltimore rabbis to the court of public opinion. 

The link to join the live program is here.

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This comes from a contact:

“Update on the "vaccine" situation in Singapore, some 2-3 years later.  A large swath of the Jewish community here is FUBAR [messed up beyond any recognition], many having cancer, many having already died from cancer, with others looking and behaving demented.

“I can tell you that virtually everyone in my close social circles (that being around 20 people out of perhaps the 200 or so who regularly show up to shul) seem seriously messed up in one way or the other.  Multiple deaths, one old guy has a blood disorder and can't walk, several seemed to have aged a decade in the past couple of years, quite a few seem demented, a few are battling cancer.”

End of quote.  

Meanwhile, Aaron Glatt is still gainfully employed at the Young Israel of Woodmere, planning to give a talk on "Making end of life as peaceful and uncomplicated as possible", and as far as I know there won't be a massive protest outside the shul.  To date not one "rabbi" who brought this upon our people has been held accountable.  If we let these weasels get away with it without a peep of protest, why do we deserve geula?

Mind you, people are not afraid of rabbis.  They give me flak all the time for far lesser crimes than working with Amalek to destroy us.  So I know you have it in you.

*   *   *

The Erev Rav are working nonstop to infiltrate the Torah-observant world and corrupt it with secular ideas and outright kefirah.  At the same time, they poison the minds of Jews who are irreligious or otherwise ignorant, while besmirching the Jewish people in the eyes of the world.  The Erev Rav have a vast army of treif rabbis who hijack the Torah and work to lead the people astray.

While researching something entirely unrelated, I came across a puff piece in the Jerusalem Compost about a "Rabbi" Ido Pachter and "his colleagues".  Pachter wrote a series of "responsa" to deal with "halachic issues that arose in the immediate aftermath of October 7, as well as in the leadup to its first anniversary."  

The article explains that this is "in line with Pachter's approach to developing halachat yisraeli, a halachic tradition that is fit for the modern day in Israel while also keeping in mind the original text and rabbinic rulings. And it is this desire to help halacha evolve and be suited for today that led Pachter, a modern Orthodox rabbi, to open up his beit midrash, Lemaase, in Jerusalem in the location of the former President's Hotel."

The Reform-loving, Orthodox bashing, kefirah-pushing Jerusalem Compost further gushed over Pachter's efforts to "reframe how we approach Jewish law" (not reform, reframe) in another article just a week later.  Here we learn that Pachter finds the ancient halachos about marriage, Shabbos, and interest most inconvenient for our modern world.  He laments the fact that "the haredi world...froze halacha", and seeks to bring halacha "up to date".

I was not surprised to see that Pachter is a cohort of the Mandel Foundation, which is basically like the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program, but for kofrim in disguise to infiltrate the Orthodox world.

These people are everywhere.  They have been carefully placed as heads of shuls, yeshivas, and organizations.  Newspapers and magazines choose them to write columns representing the "Jewish" view.  The media turns to them for quotes and promotes their activities.  They are chosen for the lecture circuit, scholars-in-residence, and celebrity guests for "Glatt Kosher Pesach vacations" and other such events.  Their books are promoted in the media and receive favorable placement in bookstores.

All of this is by design. Your religious leaders and influencers are chosen for you, carefully trained and placed by Erev Rav, and funded by Amalek.  If an organization is started by Torah-true people and sees success, the Erev Rav will infiltrate it, take it over, and hijack it.  Look no further than the OU, YU, Agudah, Hatzalah, etc.

We have a lot of work to do exposing the Erev Rav, galvanizing Torah-true Jews, and cleaning up this mess.  No one person can do it all himself — not even Moshiach.  Roll up your sleeves, put on some gloves, hold your nose, and take out a little trash.

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Speaking of trash, check out this advertisement from Clalit for flu shots, featuring a doctor and a rabbi. I promise this is not a parody.

Do you think these losers believe their own BS? How did they pass the script rehearsal? Was Asher Weiss unavailable, and this is the best they can trot out?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am glad that there is so much exposure lately of all the heretics, lunatics and
radicals within our so-called people, who definitely have treife neshamot!
Who the he.. do these people think they are to bring 'new' approaches to Torah laws, etc. If they want to be heretics and not believe they can do that and they'll have to deal with G-D, but the chutzpah of thinking they have a right to change even an iota of Torah laws, customs and traditions is something they will not be able to ever succeed at and, of course, their punishment is beyond our comprehension. Unless they wake up and do teshuva and beg forgiveness from those they have tried to indoctrinate with their evil intentions but do not give up their evil behavior, then we can just presume they are Erev Rav Amaleikim.