06 December 2024

Dr Peter McCullough:.....UPDATE

 It is the time of year that Americans are being bombarded with ads urging them to get this year’s flu shot, which is now being billed as a “flu vaccine”.

After the disastrous experience with the COVID-19 vaccine, many Americans are asking whether they should get the flu vaccine. Well, one pretty important American – Dr. Peter McCullough – says he hasn’t taken the flu shot/vaccine in years:
For the past three years I have skipped the influenza vaccine and have noticed progressively fewer viral upper respiratory tract illnesses or common colds. In decades prior I had taken forty flu shots as requirements in medical school, residency, fellowship, and medical staff. Could the flu shot weaken or misdirect the immune system on a regular basis?
Once Dr. McCullough started digging into the research, the answer to the question of whether the flu shot could actually weaken the immune system was nothing short of incredible:
The results were stunning. While summer and winter colds were not statistically different, proven viral infections within two weeks of the shot confirmed by PCR testing were 4.4-fold greater in those who took the flu shot.
Not only is the flu shot/flu vaccine incredibly ineffective in combatting the flu, it actually makes it MORE likely that you get sick!
So if the flu shot/flu vaccine doesn’t work, what does work?
Boost Your Immune System with Z-Stack
Z-Stack is a revolutionary immune booster created by Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko. Z-Stack was initially created to help protect individuals from COVID, but the same immune boosting ingredients in Z-Stack that keep you safe from COVID also helps protect you from a wide-range of other viruses.
Big pharma doesn’t want you to be able to protect yourself, they want you to be reliant on their poisons, but Dr. Zelenko was committed to creating a supplement that would protect individuals from all kinds of viruses.
Here is How Z-Stack works:
Now is the time to start taking your immune system seriously, which is why you should be taking Z-Stack every single day.


ALSO:  FDA Announces Nationwide Recall of Broccoli, Carrots, and More Veggies Due to E. Coli Contamination. These wicked ones will stop at nothing to cause the demise of .......  Already on their list is milk, eggs, cheese, beef, chicken, lamb; What's next?  WHAT'S LEFT IN YOUR DIET??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Trumps Historic Plan For Gaza Alluded to in Parshas Beshalach… plus

 “   One important note about worldwide resistance to Trump's proposal: It will be fierce .” Dov Bar-Leib at  http://yearsofawe.blogspot...