In a recent post, I protested the bizarre phenomenon of ubiquitous pagan signals that have infiltrated the orthodox Jewish world. These include the “one-eye” salute and the “666” hand signal. Here are some recent examples. Let's start with
Idolatry in our Midst

Speaking of Aish, here is their chief media and marketing officer, an ostensibly Orthodox Jewish woman named Jamie Geller who has achieved notoriety in recent years as a celebrity chef, making the same one-eye salute on her homepage:
For those unaware, this pose is a secret signal in the pagan Freemason/Illuminati cult.
Please ask Aish why they and their chief officer are promoting pagan signals.
Please understand: I'm not accusing Ms. Geller of intentionally promoting polytheistic images or of belonging to any secret society that requires its members to make signals such as this one. Rather, I'm merely pointing out that this signal has occult polytheistic significance, and that a Jewish person must not make such poses because they promote polytheism. It makes no difference what her intentions were. She should remove the image immediately, and must also remove all such objectionable images from her website Aish.
Why should Aish (literally “fire”) be associated with the fires of idolatry?
On this topic, here's an example of Aish tragically promoting a Hellenist “covid-vaccine” menorah:
Not to be outdone, peddles idolatrous signals too. Lamentably, they are obsessed with one-eyed images:

Speaking of which, here is Freemason imagery brazenly on display as the backdrop of last year's International Shluchim Convention, along with a few other masonic and/or pagan icons being promoted by “corporate Chabad” institutions:

Pyramids with an “eye of horus” and images that resemble a masonic compass and square, etc. There are many more examples. This needs to stop. I don't know who is responsible for this, but every Jew must protest this objectionable practice.
Celebrities are obsessed with these cryptic one-eye signals:

It is totally unacceptable when Jewish celebrities or influencers do the same. Beside Besides for the profile photo of Ms. Geller above, there are many other prominent examples. Here's a recent one that comes to mind, featured on the cover of an Israeli magazine:
Mr. Fried was questioned about this and he claimed no sinister intent. However, when he was asked to make a public statement disavowing any association with pagan signaling or secret societies, and that he wouldn't make such a pose again, he stopped responding to all attempts at communication.
Likewise, every time we attempted to communicate with the editors at about this disturbing matter, they responded derisively and in jest.
It behooves every Jew and human being of sound moral conscience to protest these grave offenses.
We must send out a powerful warning to the entire Jewish world not to take idolatry lately. Shortly after his tragic demise, the media publicized a bizarre one-eyed photo of slain Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, may Hashem avenge his blood:
I'm not necessarily suggesting that this has anything to do with his assassination, but rather lamenting the fact that he took and publicized this photo in the first place. By sharing this image and cautioning others not to do the same, it should be a merit for his soul.
Friends have sent me images of young shluchim making similar poses for social media. This is not good. Idolatry and secret societies are serious business. It must stop at once.
It doesn't matter if only the mainstream public don't perceive these poses as idolatrous, buy only “fringe conspiracy theorists” do. The reality is that there are millions of such people around the world who now believe that Aish and Chabad promote idolatry. This situation is not acceptable.
There's no difference between making a one-eye signal or crossing oneself in public. Actually, the former is worse, since it’s polytheistic according to all opinions. An orthodox Jew has no business doing either, irrespective of intent.
Some may lambaste me for posting images that some see as disparaging the people depicted. It's just the opposite: these people already publicized it themselves. When public desecration of God's name is involved, we are obligated to protest. במקום חילול ה’ אין חולקין כבוד לרב etc.
Let us correct this unfathomable chilul Hashem at once.
Since Aish took the word 'Torah' off their logo (title, name), it seems they lost their original reason of being - an institution for bringing Torah learning, understanding to those who need it most. Shanda!
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