13 December 2024



Be the True Jew
Don't be afraid of being the only one

Don't be discouraged that the majority of Jews -- and even rabbis -- are bowing 
to tyranny. Don’t despair that almost all Jewish leaders are cowering in denial 
and complicity.
This is exactly what happened during Seleucid persecution. The vast majority 
of Jews sided with the Hellenist tyrants. The Maccabees were a tiny minority 
of Judeans. In fact, in the beginning it was just seven Jews who dared to defy 
the mightiest empire on earth!
This is exactly what happened in Shushan too. Everyone bowed before Haman, 
that is, everyone except for Mordechai, who would not kneel or bow. 
Scripture calls him “Mordechai the Jew” because he was, in fact, the true Jew. 
In contrast, his genuflecting coreligionists were NOT behaving as Jews.
So too in our times:
Don’t get disillusioned because the vast majority of Jews in Israel and the 
Diaspora have submitted to tyranny. Don’t give up hope just because so many 
rabbis have betrayed their calling. It’s EXACTLY the opposite. It should inspire 
you that G-d is calling you to rise to the occasion and stand up as a lone 
voice of truth.
Be emboldened with the knowledge that you now able to fulfill the dictum 
of our sages: “In place of no men, endeavor to be a man” [Avot 2:5]. 
In a place where no one is behaving as a Jew, you can now stand up and 
be a Jew.
Though few in number, it is we — you and I — who are behaving as Jews. 
We shall be the fearless Mordechai’s and Esther’s and act selflessly on 
behalf of our people.
Remember Mordechai’s impassioned plea to his cousin: “For if you remain 
silent at this time, relief and rescue will arise for the Jews from elsewhere, 
and you and your father's household will perish; and who knows, perhaps 
you have attained your royal position precisely for just such a crisis.” 
[Esther 4:14]
So, if you are a solitary voice of reason in your community, don’t despair. 
You have been singled out by G-d for this awesome challenge.
Divine providence has blessed you with awareness, clarity, and moral 
fortitude precisely for this present crisis. Don’t remain silent. Be the true 
Jew and speak out now.
Your entire people are depending on you.
Humanity is depending on you.

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