30 April 2023

Shalom Pollack: Elites


It felt like a historic moment.
How true that is, time will tell but it certainly was hugely uplifting and exciting standing with multitudes of Israelis that poured into Jerusalem to declare that this is a Jewish country before and above anything else.
Marveling at the beauty of the sea of blue and white flags with the ancient Jewish symbol in the middle, I reminded myself that Left demonstrations (for which the Jewish aspect of Israel is a growing threat) were also accompanied by the same flag.
But there are differences
Sprinkled amongst the Israeli flags in the Left demonstrations are always the multicolored LGTB flags. (Before it was deemed bad PR, the earlier Left demonstrations were laced with the enemy of Israel - the PLO flag.) What really is the message? How does this define Israel, their Jewish state?

I stopped short at the site of a table upon which was standing a Torah scroll. The public was offered to share one letter in the Torah thus uniting Jews in holiness.
I watched in awe as many stopped to kiss the scroll.

This best defined the DNA/identity of the hundreds of thousands that congregated on the streets of Jerusalem. (the mainstream anti-religious media reported tens of thousands - yes, perhaps on one corner)
I pondered, LGTB flags on one side and a Torah scroll on the other. Each is the symbol of and is sacred for the respective camps.
Which one represents the (Jewish) state of Israel?
This is the struggle today.
This is the giant crossroads that the state of Israel and its people can no longer avoid.
What does the blue and white flag with the star of David stand for?

There are Leftists leaders who have long urged the changing of the flag and the national anthem to accommodate the sensitivities of its Arab citizens. (I am not sure how accommodated these citizens would feel with the LGTB flag).

Who were the people I saw yesterday?
Actually, the "same old crowd".
These are the same people who brought their (large) families to demonstrate (and suffer the criminal hands of the "judicial" system and violent, corrupt police) against Oslo, against the expulsions of thousands of Jewish families from Gush Katif/North Shomron. The same ones greeted Natan Sharansky at the airport when he was released from Soviet antisemitism and captivity and later greeted Jonathan Pollard upon his arrival home from American antisemitism and captivity.
This is the same section of Israeli society that guards the land of Israel against Arab theft and encroachment and pays the price in Arab terror and Israeli injustice.
They are the same who lead in the donation of kidneys and every other volunteering endeavor you can imagine. And the list goes on.

So who did I see last night?
I saw the Israel that I had in mind when I left NY for my homeland.

"By the rivers of Babylon, we remembered Zion. ''
What Zion were our forefathers longing for?
Which symbol better represents the dream of the historic and miraculous return to Zion?
The Torah so lovingly caressed or the LGTB flag (and the PLO flag).

What does the blue and white flag mean for both camps?

In these historic times and at the current crossroads at which we are standing the answers are becoming clear.
Very clear.
Last night I saw the true elite .
Last night I saw the only possible future of the Jewish people.

tour guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is going on today is uglier and worse than any time before, except for the time before the Great Flood (mabul). B'H, we have come home after 2000 years and to witness, especially the last few years, sins against the G-D of Israel, His holy Torah that we were blessed to receive from Hashem, and our holy Land of Israel, is beyond belief. Israel will be cleansed of all the shmutz and evil that has been going on since its rebirth but especially now where we see evil proliferate and which the State has not seen before these insane times.
This is the birur because everyone is showing their true face; 'who is for G-D and, l'havdil, who is for destruction'! Those who are for G-D will be the winners and those going up against the Almighty will feel the wrath of Hashem, unless they do teshuva. Those who do not want to do teshuvah are not Jewish neshamot. There is no doubt about that. These are NOT ordinary sins but literally, this is proving to be a war against the Creator! Wake up, true Jews, because there is still time that H' is giving us and to the rest of world to stand with the upright who know this is a matter of life and, c'v, its alternative.

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