17 April 2023

B’ezras HaShem –The Injustices Will be Reformulated!

 Add this to the anarchists achievements:

The Left Mock Bibi, Smotrich For Saying “B’ezrat Hashem”

A left-wing storm arose following Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich’s joint statement  on Motzei Shabbos in response to the Moody’s rating agency’s credit rating forecast, in which they wrote that “Israel’s economy is stable and strong and b’ezrat Hashem will remain so.”

The use of the term “b’ezrat Hashem” infuriated many left-wing opponents of the government, who launched a Twitter storm mocking the term.

Former finance committee chairman Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beiteinu) responded: “Economy ‘b’ezrat Hashem’, security ”b’ezrat Hashem’, cost of living ‘b’ezrat Hashem’, governance ”b’ezrat Hashem’.” A social media user wrote: “There are no words, this is how a country is run – ‘b’ezrat Hashem.’ In 2023, a public office holder who uses the phrase ‘b’ezrat Hashem’ in his official response is simply unfit for office.”

Another person tweeted: “A country of lunatics and worshipers of gods.”

Education Minister Yoav Kisch (Likud) responded: “Yes, ‘b’ezrat Hashem.’ These are not crude words. These words are not a substitute for hard work, dedication, contemplation, and effort – they complement them. I write this as a secular and liberal person. Anyone who is so astounded by these two words, ‘b’ezrat Hashem’ should stop being shocked.”

Left-wing activist Eldad Yaniv responded: “I say to my camp – it’s permissible for the prime minister to say ‘b’ezrat Hashem,’ just like the US president – Democratic or Republican – doesn’t end a speech to the nation without ‘G-d Bless America.'”


Anonymous said...

Aizeh menuvalim (smolanim) - they will be shocked on who has the last laugh.
Sadly frightening how these mefugarim have no fear in, of all places, Eretz HaKodesh.

Neshama said...

At least ALL Israelis are seeing who these people are.
Their exposure reveals an echo of those who killed HUR, and who threatened Aaron, and who danced licentiously in front of the ‘calf’.
We must be so so so close.

Anonymous said...

Neshama: AMEN!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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