18 April 2023

Democracy is Not the Highest Form of Government to Aspire to!

creed of the Defense Minister 

anarchists fighting for “democracy"

Interview of Rabbi Weissman with Eliyokim Cohen (The positive begins about 1:10)
R&B Amalek and Erev Rav #57 -  Holocaust Remembrance Day with Eliyokim Cohen


Response to Mandelblit: It is exactly these “watchers” who act politically and not independently, bc of their political beliefs; they decide NOT REALLY FOR the State of Israel and ALL of its citizens. The newly elected sovereign overnment wants to move ISRAEL from a socialist progressive anti-religious Nation to one that recognizes and follows a Jewish historical strong Nation. It cannot be over-run by a minority of “anything goes” mentality, which only drags down the Nation to the morality and senselessness of other countries. We are Jews and should aim and live to a higher example given to us with the Torah of Hashem, than …… that of the 70 nations.

Unbelievable AG Statement:

Former attorney general Avichai Mandelblit rails against a reported coalition plan to soon advance a divisive bill to severely limit the power of ministry legal counsels — a central part of the plan to overhaul the justice system — when the Knesset reconvenes for its summer session.

Speaking with Channel 12 news, Mandelblit says the bill, reported on yesterday by the network, would “crush the first line of defense for Israel democracy.”

According to the report, the coalition intends to put forth the most extreme version of that legislation, which would transform legal advisers and their positions from professional authorities to discretionary positions. The bill would enable ministers to appoint — and fire — their own legal advisers, and also to make legal counsels’ positions non-binding on ministers and the cabinet.

“The duty of the public service legal advisers is first and foremost before the State of Israel, and not personally to the minister,” Mandelblit says, arguing that the bill would erode the advisers’ ability to act as a gatekeeper and prevent illegal acts from being committed.


AND Listen to THIS:  the pilot delivered his anarchist-fueled rant to the passengers over the loudspeaker, declaring, “Reminding all of us that things like [the] Holocaust are potentially to be occurring in a dictatorship, and we are fighting in Israel to remain a democratic country. Thank you all and have a nice flight.”



The best unity is that of the people who are fighting for a Jewish Nation under the Torah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would like to add that 'democracy' is surely not the best form of gvt, because you can have a majority of rotten people residing in that country and an evil dictator can easily become the leader because the voters are no better. The difference is democracy in the United States is that it is not a democracy but a democratic Republic. That makes all the difference.
But as we are seeing now in a # of countries, any form of gvt could go rogue, especially when the downfall comes from within.
That is why the Torah Jew understands that it is Hashem who runs the world and in order for the world to be run perfectly, it would have to be run by Hashem through His messenger whom we call Moshiach (the annointed one). That day is soon coming, b'ezrat H'.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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